Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)

Crlttcndca 4 freshrtjff Ikm. BY TLEGRAPH MORNINGpEISiRESS. -fT l-t UieV. ansae fee trace ee (a satsi starefe r5B co*kPOHATiojg jtmocES onto i Reporiedjorshe Mtrmif Kmpr) IW COM MOW COTOCtt, 1 Buuale, Monday Mares 17, ISA. P.

U. K. nAMTTOAnciBXsxxav. Sac And fcs itfuriStmada), ThatHsts eftetters re- I ACBER ANTED JOITRSKY- FOR SAUt-rtA XWO STORY flAKl igsysrlesTer ujfnls Msmsimf xpre. BUFFALO, TCE8D AT, MARCH 18, 1866.

1 artttniasuncmlled tear iauy rWOucein aayeiiT.Lown. GROCERIES AT AUCTION. BABBEReaa have sseeslr nliysasal By BeAV er Ai all i lie aa IBs aerla aide at atraet. Bear In the ahaaeec af President Aid Bowea was called Ctucavc etrcetw. Uneas ta sased sapakr tot SiXxllXJ.

BTFLIMTTON WZLCtUfe. Mm tag at H. PKARsO'a new Bertaar taSup, ess a iw et Peart street and the Terrace, la the Niagara. saperaace LOCAL, UtERAKY ATO KUOKLLArZCUI. tothcehaica koo At-m'k' I Pweseioa given way lax.

mm renaiie at i -a-e CRITIEKLJCH A tnUxBlZX. ch- -BBrAMeVj: TLas-S Kwaialssas Bssert, Present-All the Aldermen except lraca Dcilesbaogb, viUage where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafta be iNatHished core only ia the ewspapere whardi bemgiesaee weekly, Or oftener, Btultkate tktlargeiteinnlaUiim sriiA i PcnoacaHisgr teese tetters wiUpieaee say they arc advertised. X-uIleB Ust Olsuxla 14, 1S30. FOR SALE tOW l- STOUT WANTED-A SMART INTELLIGENT MAX to soacit orders for a aew and popular il lust rated Clinton, Thayer Prescott and Day tarn. Mlantee af las meeting read aad apprevedi Wa4MDsto.

March IT. T- Mease tae eeawar aeaaa aaa an Sxxatk Mr. Clayton allavded to the (treat ins. punncauon. xo a cesspetent man a tberal salary siitt no eatsttena.

Let SSxlSe feet CRrTTKitDEg a PRESRRET. to o'clock A. to roKasMefu lutet oexisnio sssmml. lie beaevad Petitions saadry psawans ao have James Ttesbat, March Ith, at 10 o'clock a. will be eeM aaer the afweeef tkPJirtaW a Bade Baewr.

saw Aha anhoaesuaresl Takaise, -vaev leeeeeaes eat ehawtewTsrieers, leoMOeauadiaeteWeaca," 1 ahli aaseklag Tot aces la bark. '-Use tsboa aahii, Bawdaiidaad svaaeeasadiagsil Alee ae chests aad GaBaowejer, Oeleag, Soacheat. atacAr. aad firreaa Teas- jarlmgee ta order and hiefcea. Ales 100 has Have's Soap, Ko 1 Tore pale.

Tasafly, chessJcalenve BDd palm do fe'S HATutf 16. OH SALJt-DWELlJXG OS THE COR Maia-sC, Bo appointed Harbor Masses Wharves' and HarWa. Of "iA.1-! 4' A i Asbleyeare Auleraon Aaa wer mf Cbeariwt mmi Swan streets, with let SOaSO. Anuetroee AKTS BOM TWO TO THREE 1ST 8urMTsSMm aj Wa-lbAv Tha fol- lewing areohare, attar the bum ef Jon O. Saxs, wu perpetrated by somebody we doul know who, nor don emr.

Iff (nod, tad wc have waited through on of oiik's Cold Cycles" for aa opportunity to use ii. Tea UrdargaTlhflntaarneitlDdieaUkathattke 'lone and tedious winter" bad broken and yielded to the approaching season ef baraiof sons sad heated falet. lb streets end walks tamed to mad and water. Toe proper omeen wvra errgaged, very daintily though. In eleanlSg up the dirty streets aaals pedestrians were poshing along with theer seer-proost, heedless of mod and water, wbOe the ladies, bleMtlieir sweet hearts, with their silks and satins, ua ailroad to the Pacific will be boilt Car rmaar years.

Jf such a Rotvd shoetld be atade it would laot gtv tho lacilirios which are weald obtain by a passage through tire LrKhrnus unless 4h eooBtrr bw bless od snore than any tUtor-rVe Uo (m, crpa.r ax sreU suns-. ATiee AiajaV X3T Uowsvn'a a wet Beatrel'e jPsvtsm CaaMllra etui esMistasse to give entire satis taction they areaeeeV thaw are preaeaeeed sopevte saay isr sale in We warrant them full weight, six Candies weighing sixteen sauces HZtort weigh: ia Caod rs are so amcfc sa Bsc at p.esent that eonsuevra, would Serve their ewe intoestj lrjirlng tor GOWaM HCARAVa fall weight Patent Canutes, sale hy aU the principal wholesale and retail dealers IB the City. esrW-iw ty The OsKt AwtletotsVi IV KpMesuse la Dr. Jas- MeClinteck's Diarrhea t'ordi. L.

bjch hn. fre-enenily keen administered as ever two hundred patieanf irTd.rat lbety Ohotera Hospital and City Prison PhiladelDhia. dariug the frightful epidemic ol 18SX. iTcor-TThet Ohotera Morbus, Dysenterv.Choler. JiV- aad Suimner Oeeapiatats, It gives natan relief.

Aljeidy c-re is to fellow its It i nuid and HCTAjimjf aarT-Sw 80 Main st comer Wetxgle. rg- A Itloomliig Complexion sued ev fjtoosj a ppeeite the results of asing tr. Jaa, McCutock's AL. terattve fyrap, lee purifying the blood, eradicating pimples, blotches. Scrofula, and alii kinds of taiat rem the system, and creating new, pure had rich bleed; else, his Dyspeptic Elixir, for Dyspepsia inrttgCBttoB, lose ef appetite -and all diseases incident tothiscwsnsiisaiat.

Itstrensrth- Acy nare thesraad doUarS north ef Bonds and Mortrxrea AjjpeueadaKg Anther Set an Wss. W. rex fer discharge let freea tax sale Finance. Of Ira Merrill and others to have assessment and atraet for sewer Jersey street annulled Sewers. Of sundry Feaseaana Mav l.LtiiJ.

Alae, freea five tw six hsmdred doQare worth of stock ia American Traauspertat'-M Company. oitisensto have BtnJth appointed keeper of Public Inqnireef WM. PRESCOTT, Real Estate Ageat, shall before this Road eould built, be mvxted iV. fer7 Ka. tSt Mala eases Brtbah lsraara, ft da taaey Candy, Crounds Referred, Of Riley Saunders and 88 ethers TOR SALS FRAME COTTAGE, KO; 144 Swaa street.

Let BUxSU. lliiaei double-Parlor, Kitoaea, Bed aeeaaa, Ac-, aa. leaeessiea Mai tst. against Railroad crossing et. Michigan street.

Of X. B. in a war with aosao tbe greatest power or the smitbl He approved the whole conduct of the Admliustration, relative to the difficulties with Baker Frances Makley Bur bank B0 llivaraK Barnes LS Brown mrs Baldwin JS Balche'der ETtlea fenith and 0 others for same Streets and City Attorney. jooe. race saovo.

10 I CRITTEKDKJt PRESRRIT. Brown Jne II lfwefcAaa ttnJ -Brckaeaks Char Ba er A totte Howea Mary Bates Ann Barten mrs Baldy Charlotte tirooks Sarah Beadle Etisa Boy Rebecca Barry Kama Bentley Bruin PL I Of C. H. Gibbons or remission of tax finance. Of A.

1 cask Imported Kaeteaa aVsady. Alee 90 has scaled Herring. lCjee Hm snM HaBewt, -T ken Caash atorrirag. Dry Ptsh, 1 caae Bardinsi. Alse SVe hags leaBcd fait, England, aaw enlogrxed the state papers of Marry ENGLISH hfABTPACTTJBRBS OP SILVER PLATED WARE, And dealers ia every descriptioa eX Bull and others in relation to the obstructions en Niagara Efl FOU.Sll FRAME HOUSE 0 KJi Ceestamt street near Swaa.

Let tset fireac. and street. He also was at the eoergy with which Mav ISA. Price 5 eases Dav ie A Pi-lee's MaBtareV 6 S1XVCB BRITAXSIA WAIZX Aid. Bennett mored that, the Street ConuaUaioner re 1800.

CaUTTaUtaajl a pggrlBRkt. eld toe siLrjanutratiari put down cluTrrosteruig scnemes move such obstructions at an eipiaei net exceeding HO, TUT OULD CALL THIS ATTENTION OF and he denounced Cot. Walker as a tulnaB, do perseaa ra these Bleaches trade ws tlas eaWwtag Adopted. Auction fit.e ef Iiaaatatt. Thosiaaa Higbaua avinw plejdjred ha Hirasn canaer and pirate.

Clayton having alluded, to ocswBKBtaey give, aaa aaBage ee apaaie se wee Of Thomas O'Dwyer to have tax refunded Finance. Of Crosby Jane Coyne Lacy Chesly Mary Carter MH CeyalerM A Caticon Mary letter. That they now aaanafaetare, aad wiU eeai apueawag taronga me gawcrs, TraJUag through the mire, Mad ap to their ancles, Aada lit lb higher! Little beys uproarious, 'Oanss they show their rsr Bless me I this is glorious, Sweeping down the streets Bonnet en the shoulders, Nose ap to the sky, Both hand full of flounces, Ealsed A La SnABu-Biea I Underskirts bespattered. Collery mrs Colling wood mrs Cave Harriet Cross BO Clarck miss A Chase Fannie Chase Hannah Cunningheea amies Cherteld Mary Clark Marion Carpenter Robert CAmpbell Sarah CastelnuseOM On pin Bars i ens the stomach, assists digestion, creates a good appetite, and speedily restores to health the sufferer. Sold by O.

H. P. CHAMPLUf, mr7 iw Main corner Wee Eagle. Xaileata Tisibibjs cannot safely be ti tfled 1. G.

Reinsch to have ar.1l tax rehxr.ded finance. Of Johnsetta Diamond Pre aad Ring as security far the pay. aacat ef aseiey, aad said pledge and the debt whieh Kwaa do awrc surer rTasea ware aaa ana est aaw walker setxve or the vassals ot the lranait Cempaey, Seward inquired whether that Company bad not connived at Walker's proceedings in the United Statea, ud warrant It interior to sundry persons to have John Baumler released rrem the Iwh. rreneBer Araencaa. Cne eft miss aavrag weca aaiignee se sae, aaa tee paj-M and VeaesBpOea af the pledge caviar I aftsr Sawisnd saade.

1 aVaH sell ibe aaidl Penitentiary Granted. Of 8. C. Ramsey to erect wood witis, and ret teas of thousands of ear population are an Central ABarnear Coach Josephine en building-lire. Of B- Piper tor renaisslon of tax- Mf.

Clayton had seett' such a statement, but parchasers la gunerel, advantages whieh eaanet, wttheat a loaf aequaintanee with manufacturer, be obtained eieewberc, vis: LIBERAL TERMS and EXTBEAfELT nually swept off ky pulmonary diseases, which, in their Incipieney, a few dotes ef Dr. Jas. McClin lock's Cold and Cough Mixture weoM have radically cored. Co-da and Pia aad Ring at paMIe aere'ea to (he hiaaeet hwMer. at the ea Coart Hoose ia 0e eity ef Batrklo, ea the lstt day Doael Mary A Downs Lacy Finance.

Of Eu Brown to erect wooden building evented. Of X. Weed and others te have Joseph Wblttet appointed Harbor Master Wharves and HaJbors. Of Ca swage nary Jane ef A. Bate Bf aretrnth, ISM.

atrlMlw OROarSw b. POWLXR. tar Oawvier. RrwabHr, Cemmercial aad lwatrg Past All your silks get "watered," Sweeping down the street! Devi Mary Devebxt eougns lay the reondaboa ef uoasumptioxi ana troncni-tis, and where this has onlortonately been the case, the patient is earnestly recommended to try Dr. HeOintock's Pectoral Syrup as the only meanas of present relief and tharine Johnson to remove wooden huBling Pin.

Of Stt FOR CHOICE FARM OF ZXLlM acres ef lead witnin aaa aale ef eTarrer Crack, 1 1.. jp 7 t-rria aailea a kuS stata of cultivation; aa eeeaard ef illinlud irast witb yards filld witk a groat vairiety of ahwoba aad imn, tnm Stt an acre on easy Also 16X acree excellent niraaiag sand 1a Para-brake, two miles frees Akreeu acme aaster aaecsae. ment eaksnee weal tlsatiarid. Ales af aerea ef land 1 ssQa weat af Peiarolre Be pot, on tne State road. Wiis Parat kas on it a geea arena rd jTeeiected trait, aneVie weal I da earl a asneral UrBskftg par none i Also 153 acres efieavy ttaOwred land ia Kewstead, on the line eftae toaale Ceraing; Railreaa.

Also A laraa el aoras ef land aaaaar aoed ewtrdva-Uon, in Mewstead, with a aewfrassekiaes, ereheta.Ae. Alao 1M aoras lav Newvtead, ef geeat larwricg iand about to eoree heavUy tanbsa-ed. Tkereis alsea good orchard ot selected fault apoa the Bremrsta. Also 400 acres ef teed, wilb a aew tJeaat Saw Mill ea the premises, in tae Town ef Crvksen, Hon roe eeobty. About 160 acres uader good cultivation balance heavily tiaiberee, principaUy Trsasaiock.

Any of the above, Parma wtU be exebauged for City Praoertv. I copy. DarkinM Dukes Mary A The folio wing letters of acknowledgment prospective care. For sale by Dustin Charlotte Dolson Abigal -Duubar JUiaabeth Dobbins Rarity A Dixon mrs Eaton ears JO Fox mrs A Ffllcms French Eva Wm. Sweigles to remove wooden building Fire.

Of John Roffo to have fine remitted Finance. Of sundry persons to hare Mary Ann Smith released from the Penitentiary LOW PRICES, and agree to execute orders more promptly than Is usoal lathe same tine efbosinesa. To avoid unnecessary delay, parties requiring credit are requested to state distinctly in their coaununieartoeis the names and addresass of their referees, the time they are deaireaa of buying on. G. A Co.

woaki observe, that an CASH, or at 90 or SO days, an annsaally large tiseeant wiR be made. A complete list or their assortment of Creeds, and their prices, can be obtained by writing te GARIGAULD mrl5-1y 1 Broadway, Sew Tork. have been received, and we give Utem a place with pleasure Bovraio, March 14, ISM. U.U. ST.

UnuriAH, mrS-ia- 290 Main corner west Ragle. Ff" Or. Mcc*ntoek's Medicines fcsvwv title L. K. PURPTOX Atrcraauxa.

EXTENSIVE BALK OF DRY GOODS AND CXOTHISIU fRERUrgli SALE, PLIMPTON et WSLCBM Jfasa Street, Terse at, March 18th, at 10 o'clock A. will be sold hy order ef the Sheriff, a stock ef Dry Coeds Police. Of sundry persons to have Unas, usnsom released from the Penitentiary. Granted. Davis Mary Ann Dona Mary Emerson mrs 8 A Frey Jane Vimpie Maria Pox Mary A a GateshierK SouM Mary Greenleaf Sarah Frawley Pursier Louisa did not know whether tme or not, IT.lt was trnej even handed justice was likely to restore the poison chalice to their owa Hps.

Mr. Well er gave notice that he should have something te say far he differed from the Senator as to the character of WaJker. The Senate passed the River and Harbor bills and bills Jor the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Mississippi rrvor, and for the Improve ment of St. Clair flats. Adjourned.

HoDSAv Mr. Galloway advocated a resolution to allow the Committee on Elections to' send for persons and papers in the Kansas case. He said the country demanded a full investigation in order to expose the rascality by which the will of the people of the territory was thwarted. While deleading Got. Boeder, he said, that Got.

Shan non had been buried above ground by the people great merit-tbey strike at the very root ef disease. They do not merely alleviate the symptoms, but literally extinguish the eomplsint. Those who bare tested ufc Fever and Ague Specific, proclaim it te be the ou radical cure for that distressing complaint; amd sufferers from Bilious affectloaswho have tried ids equally Jens MoRjebbab Bus Sta I hare the pleasure to aeknowledce the receipt of One Hundred DeUara, through Jasob Skxtub, donated by the Rail rood Re-onlon Committee to the fund of the BmTelo Relief Society. With the thsnks of the Society for this liberal donation, Rroadcia bs. CaaaJmerrSj CoatiBga, Grandson Gavin Catharine Garrison Graham Ilellen enthusiastic in their praise.

Sold by Ntuawiia, cacep wrays, Dreaa OeedsPriats, linlslaee, Bbeetinga, Drill. o-rs. Linens, a general assea-tmeat of ttktr Eaeaireef JaSti CRITTUfDRN A PRESBRET Truly Your, u. a. r.

(juAsu-UN, mr7-2w 290 Main corner West Eagle. By referring to Dr. t. B. Wright's adver LOT OX PKAEL, NEAR sje A BRAUT1F g.

tf. CALLENDER, Treasurer Buffalo Relief Society. feet front by lUSV deep to a wiJe Allen street, Mottling Over Coats, hoeiceas Coots, Sack, Preck and bit do Hansom Howard mrs Hart Haanah Hair mrs John tisem*nt, it wl'l be seen that mention is made of aa arti Hutchins Henghtalin Henry Matilda Hinson Sarah Hall Susan aUey for sale, part sat tune. Hinson miss Hoeg Angeune Havens mrs A Harris Agnes Holinworth Jane Hamilton Klienor cle called the Liquid Cafhartio or Family Medicine." CRITTENDEN A PEEBBSXT. OsssinMre aad aatine PaaorJeoaa, iell This preparation we claim to know something about, hav Harmon Lucinda of Ohio, but that the President had pat out TTiOil BALE ACKLS OF sesm, emna aea t-o'lars, In lia Rubber Coat, As.

forwii A 3 sums anoer Sie eseh. ever HOOnfrt- He men way Emily ling rod and golden bait in Belmont County andj A. grtod Larid In tl-e owa ot Ripley, miles I ing used It for some time past; sna we nesnate cot to say thaVin habitual constipation ef the bowels, it wiU be found aa invaluable It is recognised, indeed, as such, by may of the most eminent physicians in New York, who have lone anoreciated Doctor Wrieht's skill State Une. Five aefee cleared, and fbs balance heavily ty days crelit wiB be given tor amoawtorr beak Bote. timbered.

Will be said at a bargain by nsbed him out and breauiea into nun new lite and sent hint out to govern the people of Kan- Cbartes M. Drapny tic Ce LAND AGENTS, Corner of Michigan Avenue aod Boath Water Streets, ClaAeaapB, ILUnaam. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL TRANSACT a general Real Estate boainea in 1LUNOI 1, IOWA, and adjoining States. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Farm, In improved IGtls Sc Town Lota. Extensive local connections and other facilities are formed, equaling those of any Western hodse fer locating warrants, examining lands, tarnishing maps and aserrlp-' ions, payment of taxes, ke.

Owners of westers lands, residing at the east, will and this Agency a good channel te bring their lands into market. Property offered for sale will, for a small anas, be entered in oar Catalogue aud circulated gratis throughout the country. Capitalists will And favorable opportunities for investing in rapidly improving Western property. The best of scferences given. CHARLES M.

DCPTJT, Late Land Agent of the Illinois Central Co. DATID S. OGDKN, mrl5d3m Late of New Tork. flHTTTKlsDKX CRTTTKNDK.V A PBESBRET. aty 10 MAiaSK.

MAURICS VAUCHAN. will sell at Auction. RocBBsraa, March 14, 1856. Due Bis I recelred, last evening, your note enclosing a eertiacete af depoelte of One Hundred Dolls a donation from the Railroad Committee to the Rochester Protestant Orphan Asylum. In behalf of the Board of Managers, I return our sincere and grateful acknowledgments far their vary liberal gift, and hop the donors will themselves experience the benefit from thus giving that these destitute orphsns will deilve from receiving their do- and success as a regular practitioner.

Mtrvuryt ACRES OF CHOICS LAND SITUATE Mr- Galloway contended that the organized 10 on Walden itioeS, betac the highest grnaed betareea In galls Corriett Inslee Mary Jones mrs MP JrvjmrsJ I Keeler Clarritsa 1 Keneflck Johanna Kelley Mary KeeganHelan hnapp Sally Xi Price 50 and xa cents per ootue. or sale Dy mrl2-lw COLEMAN, and all DruggisUi everywhere. fsr Ewerjlnsr Sessions of the Buffalo Mer at his Auction and tDnmmlssina Rooms, adjoining the cel. nor of Mewl and Quay sareeea, en SATUAUiAT and TU4 DAT aeat, at a'liloek A. AL, a Beaaral Mucclioa Bonsehold Pnrnitnre, Merchandise, Ae.

Genesee and Ferry street, en the ttne ef the pi op used extension of Wtica street. law of the Territory had been violated and its legislation throughout founded on fraud. jali H' CTrrnrjt'eBjt ntEgtiKET 'mr aeisaa. vasa. Mr.

Vack said tue committee on elections AtADBICE TAC6MAN, FOR ALE ON NORTH BIDS OF TOT asked the extraordinary power of sending for persona and papers on no other testimony than J- El Exchange stretft; leet treat tareagh toBtaeben-st cantile College. What is so rateable te a Young Man, as a thorough Commercial Education It secures to him Place and Salary associates him with basinets men, and elevates him to Independence, Influence and Opulence. The Principals of this Institution take pleasure in an nouncing the Ladiesand Gentlemen of Buffalo and vicinity, that t' eir Evening Classes are now In successful operation. Every department of Book-keeping, Commercial Calculation and Penmanship, will be taught in the Leslie Sarah A Tewls Isabella Laidler Rachel Logan Mary Jane Long mrs Timothy Lindaley mrs near tbe Old Uty Ltie. OA The Greatest Discovery of the Age Law Daniel Lynch Bridget Lavison Lainge miss Mr, Keeder, there being no eviaence in manner CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET.

sanctioning his position. Whitefield was elected A CHOICE LJT ON THX EASTERLY SIDE 3l ef NteearastieeABoathef Hudson, Id feet front hy UM feet aeep, lor saw cheap by, most efficient and practical inanneroy teachers or experi PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE This preparation, alfhcagb lets than two years before the public, owing te Its wonderful eahets Bpoa tie hamaa hair aad aealp, has already obtained a toiopTity and sale perfectly onparalieled It has, without the eid na'y appliance used for each perpoeta, won Its way, end beea heartily welooated te moat of tbe cltisa aad towns lu ORITTENDSN A rsESBRKT. eei8 TI McGee miss McGowan mrs McCardy mrs Miller Dianna ence and acknowledged ability. A well tarnished and pleasant room is appropriated tolhe use Of Ladies who at tbe time appointed Dy law, dui sir. itoeaer, in vioUtoin of all law, was chosen at a pretended election, and now claimed bis seat.

Mr. Vack spoke of the wailing of those who claim to be special guaj-diaiu of freedom, and who hare sent out their agony in speeches as destitute of argument as they were deficient of foundation. MF0R SALE HOUSE ASD LOT No. 40 Ooodell streO, betweea EUBwtt and Oak sta, with, in le minates walk it the Poet Office and near Main street, may wish to receive instruction in nooa-seeping or Penmanship. del7 the Vailed States, the Caaades, aad tne west inaia lands.

NoristiUreeult surprisiDg.wheB It rsrrrafBjber- Marti a Martha Moran mrs John Morgan Mary Morrissy Mary Mills miss 8 8 JIanniogMary McGowan Eliza Osgood Elisi 1- Perivaoe Margaret Purdy Nancy Peek Mary Peters Emily Quirk Mary To Rent The larre and spacious store No. 64 Main The street is pavedJaewered sad lighted with gas. The walkisnagged. The tot 60x100, stocked with grapes aad O'Brien Ellen Pierce Desty Potter Calista Potts Hannah It was Mr. H.

himself who bad planted tbe choice trait trees. The house Is oomaiodioce aad ia good seeds of discord, anarchy and confusion in Kansas. repaircontains Parlors. Pining; Raosa, 4 Chaaabera, Ritcbea aaa oat mouse, jreesesssea given aiay 1st, through and fronting on Hanover street, being suitableforany large business. This store is fitted up for the Hardware business, and has Tinsmiths', Coppersmiths' and numbers', shops fitted up, with benches, tools, gas, water, 4c, which.

will be sold, together with a portion of the goods now in store te any one wishing to succeed in the business, which is a very desirable one, being Mr. Robinson spoke in ot tbe resolution, 18 18. THE OLDEST SIGN PAINTDrG EavsLbUsMm- lit la tHe City-. NWILGUS, HAVING DISPOSED OF HIS entire Interest In the SIGN PAINTING Business to F. B.

SCOTT, Who has been his principal Sign Painter nearly eleven years, takes great pleasure in recommending him te the public, ss a person every way worthy of confidence and in his Business ranking as one of the best Mechanics in this City. tar- Paint Shop No. 3 South Division street. SCOTI'I CARVED LETTERS FOR SIGNS Are in greater demand than ever. Every size and style got up at No.

3 South Divlson-St. mrl 4m las. Tennsaaay. Enquire of CRITTENDEN PRESBRET. )a80 Remonstrance of S.

P. Gelston and others against building new School House in District No. 19 Schools. Of O. C.

Thompson and ethers same Same reference. Of A. Bull same Heme reference. Sundry accounts presented and referred. saroBTS or oouirrrau.

Bennett from the Committee on Finance reported in favor of granting two declarations of sale to A Moore. Also, In favor of remitting a tax to Buffalo Savings Bank. Adopted. Aid Chambers from Committee on Schools reported in favor of allowing accounts of Geo Hills at $30 Calvin $5 98; John Lock S3. Adopted.

Aid Plnmtey from the Committee on Streets reported In favor of directing the Assessors to make sundry asuess-menti for local works. Adopted. Also, that the Council do intend to pare And grade Sixth street, from Court to York street, and that the Clerk advertise for fire days for proposals for said work. Aid Lockwood moved that If there were any persons present who wished to be beard in the matter, that they now have an opportunity. Adopted.

Geo. W. Johnson, appeared for himself and others in opposltion'to the work. C. F.

Bissell, spoke strongly In favor of the con. teniplaled work. I. Williams followed in favor of the proposed work. Aid.

O'Brien moved to amend the report by striking out York street and Inserting Maryland street. Ruled out of order. Aid. Bennett moved to postpone action for one week. Lost.

The question was then taken en the adoption of the report and'lt was lost ayes IT, noes 8 not two-thirds. Aid Chamberlain moved to reconsider. Carried. Aid Chamberlain then mored to refer back to the committee. Adopted.

Aid O'Brian from the Committee on Sewers reported In favor of directing the Street Commissioner to repair well on Elm street, between Clinton and Batavia street- Adopted. Aid Merrigan from the Committee on Side and Cross Walks reported in fsvor of allowing the account of Neritt at 137 20. Adopted. Aid Davis from the Committee on Fire reported in favor of allowing sundry accounts. Adopted.

Aid from the Committee on Water reported in fiivor of constructing a well on the corner of Michigan and Perry st. Adopted. Aid Reck ten wait from the Committee on Sanitary Measures reported against appointing another Health Inspector at present. Adopted. omcsBj or corpora tioh.

Franklin Hitter, Constable, reported to the Council that he had levied and collected the sum of $583 69 from the Pratt Bank being for general city tax, and that he had been sued by Patchln, to recover the same back. Referred to the City Attorney to defend. The Comptroller sent In several reports of no Interest except to the members or the Council. Received and placed on file. The Street Commissioner reported that he had received the following proposals for carting off the dirt from the urging that Reeder was not stopped from further proceedings.

FOR SAFE A SMALL COTTAGE OS Mr. Richardson insisted on trie legality 01 tne well established and having a good class ol customers. ItX Walnut strett, near Williasn Terms easy. Root mrl A Risely mrs Ed ward Reynolds mrs Enquire on theprcmises of apl'jtf JOHN Q. DUDLEY A CO.

felS ft CRITTENDEN PRESBRET. acts of the Kansas Legislature, and the validity of Mr. Whhefield's election. Rice mrs Almy A 3 Reoner Mary Ryan Anastasia Russell Elisa Reynolds Drusilla Reynolds Sarah HOUSE gAND LOT FOR SALE ON rxeia uatnerine r. Wilson saw no necessity for continuing dis that tts poealarrry hi based apea Ms astrks, setely as established by actual testa.

That thai prepare boa will actually RESTORE 6 RAT HAIR 1 0 11S NATURAL COLOR, pradaoeaESBaileat growth ate the beads at tbe beM, prevent tbe hair freea tailing ear, aad which aeed as a toilet article, produces a coeuuual Sow of the natural fluids, and thus render the hair weft, glossy and wavy, destroy diseases ef tae scalp, andkxpel eaadruaT, the asrUAcales of rbsttnguisaed gentlemen aad la dice, ia every, part ef the ceantry who have tried ii, and tberelore Seak what they know, most fatly attest. That by a proper ate ef this RratoraBve, the kalroaa ka made ta attain aad retain tie natural color to almost any age allotted to hamaalty, by removing the causa of disease ef the aealp no matter ef how long standing tbe concurrent testimonials ef the press ana tha eorttneatee ef aamsraas nepeotable ladrvt-duaia ef both eases, leave ae doaht. Circulars eoataiaing full particulars relative to tbe use ef this curative, as well as the recommendations of the editors aad certificates be fere Blinded to, eee be had ef ail ages at BEOoariELn, Jan. 12th, 18U Paor. Wood Dear Sir Having made full trial ef year Heir Restorative, It gives me pleasare te say that Us ef- North streeC A desirable 9 Brick Boose, new cussion which has lost interest.

nearlv fiaiahed. at she corner of North und Thirteenth-et, I MARCH 1st, 1866. I SPKIlVjG GOODS AT TBS Mr. Simmons said Reeder was not a contestant main part 18Xxtd, rear KixSd ft; lot SO ft front by an Rodney Sophia 8 SlWey Irene Sibley Mary Shilling Mary i Stevens Serab Seaman Phebe A Smith Mary aAersge or about lfjD leet aeep, win De sola psniy on CRITTENDEN PRESBKEV. decS REMOVAL.

Woodward's Bonnet jEtooms Smith Esther Shulles Ellen Stephens Elisabeth II fullivan Ellen Stetson Iret NEW YORK CLOTHING STOKE, 1C4 MAIctREET. Saxy mrs Smith Catharine Shea Catharine Savitr Hannah Smith mrs George dimpson Frances Teffe mrs Taj lor Julia A The proprietor ol this begs leave in a legal sense, but a remonstrant for the people of Kansas against Mr. Whitfield's right to the seat. He contended that the House can enqn're whether tho organic law of Kansas has been violated and whether proper elections were held under the Nebraska Kansas act. WILL BE REMOVED AGAIN ABOUT terian Churvn property, situated en Ninth, near to inform his patrons and the public generally, that he has iuit received a large and beautiful assortment ot Carolina street.

-fcot 40 by 124 teet, with a good church the First of May to the spacious Store earner of well arranged on tbe greens, enquire ei Jyl8 CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET. Mary Thompson Mary Thompson Tyler Patience Ann Cloths, Cassimsres and Vestines of the latest styles adapted to Gentlemen's wear, and would invite you to call and examine them, aa he is confident it would be to your advantage. Also, a larre stock of Ready Made Clothinz, first qual Adjourned. A mass of documents were transferred to the FOR SALE. A CHOICE FARM OF 80 acres in the town of Clorkson, Monroe Co- N.

T. drug and a eonataat tendency Is llchl nc with which I have VanSick'en Tanderbilt Anna Main and Eagle streets, under the ST. JAMES HOTEL, where he proposes to do a general Wholesale and Retail MILLINERY BUSINESS, on a much larger scale than heretofore. Merchants and Milliners will always find at this Establishment a complete stock of aU the desirable S3ooda in market, and will be supplied on terms as advantageous, both as to time and prices, as can be obtained at any of the Eastern Cities. feSl Caroline There is a fine orchard, and a general assortment efeelec- ity, manufactured expressly lor the City trade.

ted fruit on the pcemi-es. Dwelling nouse is nearly new. Bouse to day, in compliance with the resolution calling for the correspondence between the Secretary of War aud Lieut. Gen. Scott, relative to the pay of the latter as Lieut.

Gen. with good out-boilfticgs. Price per acre, on favorable A splendid assorxmeni or noys- Fleming ana ueniie-men's Furnlrhing Goods, constantly on hand. been troubled from childhood, and baa also restsnd my batr whieh wes becoming gray, to-its eriatBal color. I have ased ae ether article, with anything like the pices- use and profit.

soars truly, J. K. BRA80, Pastor ef the Orthodox Church, Breokastd. terms. auilil CRITTENDEN faUliBKBV.

Whittaker Jullielt Wood Mary Aun Wellis mrs A Wells Sarah Wright mrs Lizcie Willard Wilkins Hannah Wright Elisabeth Webster Amanda Winn mrs AC Wilkinson mrs Watson Harriett Wood Elixibeth B. An early can will secure bargalrs. mre-8m JAS. B. BOGERT, 104 Main street.

liL'FFAliO AI1 TORONTO. rIOTTAGES "OR TWO COTTAGES on east side tif imnshire street, betweea aaeveath J. It. BESTLET Cincinnati, juarcn iv. The lard, oil and candle factory of N.

D. Ropes PBor.Woon Dear Sir: My hair comme need falling off. FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Twelfth street, nearly nnunca.iorsaie low pan on The Steamer CHIEF JUSTICE ROBINSON. Cent. JobbMcrhocV, will com Gentlemen's last Unrest ISth.

time. taRS CaUTraaiiEN a rsuussi iatS some three er four veers since, and continued te de so on- ail I became bald. I tried all the popular remedies af tae FOR SALE. TWO DWELLING H0US- dt Co. was burned yesterday together with the whole stock.

Loss estimated at $50,000. Insured in eastern offices for $30,000. At the same time the plaining mill of Lindsey, Smith es and a Tannery, with acres ef choice land in day, bat to nc effect st last I was Indneee, to awe your Hair Restorative and am very happy te say it ie doing wonders I have now a fine arowth af swans hair, and asd Aumr.ior 8 WIFTSURE LINE OF BOA TS ON TBI HUDSON RIVEIi, No. 17 Central fkarf, Buffalo. JAWSS a.BXHTT.

i CHAD. B. BBDrDiLD. BBrifaihci3: Jesse HoytA Adams A Buckingham, Bawls A Sey Alvord PhUo With great respect, K. ft.

BUELL, Tress's O. Asylum. To Mr. Jobs MoRuntiAS, Buffalo. jy Do Good.

Thousands of men breath, mors and lire pus off the stage of life, and are heard of na mere. Why? They do. not a particle of good In the world, and none were Messed by them, none could point to them as the liietissidiit of their redemption; not a word they spoke eould bo recalled, and they perished; their light went oat la darkness, and they were not remembered more than the Insect of yesterday. Will you thus lire and die, 0 BtaS Immortal Live for something. Do good and leave behind yon a monument of virtue that the Moras of time can never destroy.

Write your name in kindness, lore sad aseroy on the hearts of thousands you come In contact with year by year; you will never be forgotten. No, your name, your deeds, will be as legible on the hearts yoa leave behind, as the stags on the. brow of erenlng Good deeds Jill thine as the stars of heaven. Da. CkfALSOas.

Of Mam Killed on the Road. The Roch- ejter Advertiser of Saturday last ssys "The Block train whiob loft hero yesterdsy afternoon at 5 o'clock, ran over a man near Palmyra and killed His name was Isobaob Habb, a German, and was brakesman on the train of which las Whits is conductor. He was on the tender and the signal was given to break up, as the train qppi cached Palmyra, and In attempting to step on the car from where he was standing, he missed his footing and fell between them on the track, and the whole train passed aver bint, catting bis head entirely off, and also his legs and arms. He was a young man very highly esteemed by an who knew him. He had no relations in this country, and hoarded at the Clinton House, in this city." ty Schday Trains.

We -loam that the highly commendable example set by the New York Central Road of discontinuing Sunday Trains is likely to be followed by other Companies in the State. It is said that the Hudson River Road has already come Into line on this question, and that the New York and Erie has signified Its willingness to do likewise. We regard this as a wise and profitable move on the part of Railroad Companies. Their employees require the blessings conferred by rest on the Seventh day, after six dsys of bard labor, as much as any class of our cttiaens. There is no existing necessity for violating the Christian Sabbath by running trains on that day.

rjf Theatre. Mist Hodson contributed much to the amusem*nt of her auditors last evening by her happy representation of the character of "Pocahontas." It Is a highly humorous piece. The songs were chiefly well sang, and the fair vocalist has won upon the good opinions of the patrons of the drama in each successive appearance. This evening she appears aa "Ger-trade" in that "Loan of a with songs also as "Apollo" in "Midas," a very pleasant musical Burletta, In which she Biade her first appearance. Ella Wabbkb appears with bar pupils, Misses Hoohes and Roams in several donees.

This evening, we notice, Is announced as the last but two of the season. 3F" We yesterday noticed a Bloomer" costume in the street, and it was by far the most convenient drapery we saw promenading our wet and muddy walks. On the wearer marched, regardless of the splash under foot over crosswalks and gutters she tripped, without a drabble on her skirts. She had the entire use of both her hands, while every other lady was tugging at about twelve yards of silk to keep It from soiling to say nothing of embroidered skirts. Ws noticed many a dashing belle cast an envious look at the blue Bloomer" as it threaded the muddy street In cleanliness.

It la -a sensible dress for the present state of our streets. fUS' The Commercial learns that a man named Bvbtmoe, lu the employ of the Buffalo Car Company, met cheerfully reommend its nse to art similarly afflicted. Mayer at Covington was Durnea. loss $26,000 no insurance. mence on Monday, the 21st of January, 185, to ply regularly every day, (Sundays excepted,) between Toronto, Niagara and Lewiston, in connection with the New York Central and Erie and Ontario Rail Roads.

Leave Lewiston at 1 P. and Niagara at 2 P. and returning will leave Toronto for Niagara and Lewiston at 8 A. M. Fare from Buffalo to Toronto $2,00 Cabin Deck.

Passengers leaving Buffalo by the 9 A. M. Train will arrive in Toronto at 5 o'clock the same evening, whieh is three hours and a quarter ahead of the Great Western Rail Road Route. Hamilton, Jan. 18, 1856.

Ja22-tf the village of Aurora. Will be sold at a bar rain. Enquire or au8Sjj CRITTENDEN A PRESBRKY. OTFOR SALE. 124 FEET FRONTxl05 deep to an alley situs' en the west side of Pearl at.

between Virgina tnd Allen atreet. vmo CRIT ENDLN PRESBRET. A Annis Edw Arthur Jas Bendsell Ross bryant Bond Wm Bingham Wm Besle 8 Belosse Robt Andrews A Armstrong Chas Cinder Uerry Allen A Butler baker liurlow mr Burnham Chas On ndav not a steam engine in a saw mm mour, Dows, Uuiteau, David Dowse Grant, Sayies New York M. H. Read A Son, E.

A. Durant 8. Hale, Grant, Armstrong Andrew White, Comme cial Bank, Albany. my 10 At Oakville, exploded killing four persons and wounding three. Huilding entirely V.

witiUABiwn, io pocoaa axreri. St, Loois, March 1, 1-464. Cabule, 111., Jaae 1S5S. I hare used Prof. O.

J. Wood's Hair Reetsrative, and have admired its wonderful effect. My hair wee beceaa-lag, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the ace ef ale Resteretive it hoe resumed its original color, and 1 have no dcubt, pencancnilj so. elDNEY BREEZE, Ex-Senator United btatea. Thb OaBATBsr Disoovaav or vaa Asa, It eel deal eeeare WANTED3-T0 EXCHANGE 160 ACRES Farming Rand near Qntncy, Dllnolr, ror City pre- SPll'ZHlIJLIiill BIEHHMAN, 1 DBA LEES IX Brown Thos Byrne Dennis laSi St rSBSSIlSI, jierty.

HARDWARE, STOVES, CUTLERY, Bawd in Pstt Brotherson Burns Michael Burke Patk Bart I Bisbee John Butler Bogardus John Boardman Isaac Buckman John Barrisoer Jackson Best John Burke John Bark John Beanyrand John Uoerner Francis MBurrows Robt Busker Frankl a Begg Robt FOR SALE OR TO RENT A NEW legislature of Kw York. Alb ant, March 17. Skkatb. Reports By Mr. Smith to ex Burnett Geo brick house on the north side ot Riley street, which Booth Goodrich LOCK AND TIN SMITHS, SlA.Vfclt-l'l.ATEliB AKD BELL-HANGERS.

No. Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. I C. BnEHMIAH Locki repaired and everV kind of Tintmlthing and will accommodate a family of tlx or eight persons.

oc26 CRITTENDEN PRE8BREY. that we aotase. under any circ*mstances, patent aicdi tend the Genesee Valley Canal to Alleghany Harrow Borven Samuel Bronson A Bland Thos ltrien Tbos Bay John Battle Henry Blaney John Burch Chas cines, reetei auve, or anything ef tbe kind, lor we have a River. JobblBjf done. DISSOLUTION.

THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between James Fallon and J. B. Crapo, under the name and style of J. Fallon was on the 1st day of March, 18:6, dissolved by mutual consent. JAMES FALLON, Dated Buffalo, March 7th, 1856.

JAS. B. CRAPO. The undersigned will continue the Tailoring and Fur. niching business, heretofore carried on by J.

Fallon at the old stand, 202 Main street. Mr. J. B. Crape is retained as foreman of the establishment, where he will be happy to wait on his friends.

JAMES FALLON. mrlodtf prejudice agaiast meat ottacm ml ciaen emMi aa to invite attaubea te iuc advertiecara nt ef Prof. Hood's Bills Passed. To incorporate Ladies Home FOR SALEj A FRAME DWELLING NO. JS Sevenths! 1 stories with gocd cellar aad a lot 27x140 ft to a pated Alley.

House in good repair. Pos Babco*ck James Bretian Sua Missionary Society of M. E. church. Hair Restorative.

We ere toe Juvealle te iwqaire aay. thine of the kind, but seme Inetaneee et its use have eesae I- HOPKINS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 11 Central EsDCciaUvfor the sale and purchase of Flour, Grain, Pro. session given arAJMsy 1, IK, rrice, ezitu on vrry easy The Albany bill was made tlic special paved streets: 8 Kubn 7 Lehman Krb Lewis Knolboff Rose 11 Barter Burgard Baker Joseph Webster A Webster Hornung A Julia Fink Harridan James Howells Butler, Jr, Wagner Robinson Referred. CRITTENDkN PRLgBBSY.

$5,800 5,700 fi.fiDO 4900 8,000 4,999 6,000 4,950 4,995 6,490 50 5,989 5,000 7,000 5,175 95 4,845 terms, r-nquiresoi to our knowledge which almost asaa re us it is a sevareiga remedy against the hair becoming pn maturely gray. It order for Wednesday evening and every evening Comstock Co Coonrodden mi Chamberlin John Cirilien Jas Camp Joseph Curry John vUinn and Produce cenerallv. thereafter till disposed or. is not a llair Dye but upon its appDcauen as eureciea the effect is produced ea the skin, which brings eat tbe e- Co. will at a a limes he utocked iA the various 'lark Dr ChapptU FIR SALEJFIVE ACRES OF LAND IN the old village of Black Rock, will be sold on easy terms.

Enquirejaf ja' CRITTENDEN PRESBRET. The second State Lunatic Asylum bill was made grades of Cincinnati manvactvred Lard Oil and Star original native colored hair, wttboat stiffness, and gives a sneeial order for Tuesdav evenine. (jaittue. my in it a aloesv and natural appearance, ae ram esea per Assembly. Petitions against the division of sons who have used it, and they are much pieaatd with YOUAU AaiKKlCA i Corner of Randolvh and DearVom tis.

Chicago, Erie, Madison or Steuben Coe. were received. Cuban Abani Cote Warren Curtis A Castle Wm Coatsworth Clark Crawfoi d.C Casey Thos Ooleman Eben Coats Samuel Cowgill Calister Robt Oratt Henry dialling Coleman Harlen Can Jul ins JAMES G. DUDLEY, Urow Patrick Cullin Michael Carroll Michael Culver Joel Copland Ira Corcoran John Culver Joel Carroll John Camp Joseph AV Conwoy Thos Clark Geo NOW OPEN ON THE EUROPEAN STYLE, For the establishment ol an Inebriate Asylum. it.

examine the advertisem*nt ArusosM-t AlepaiMtoua. O. I. WOOD ft Proprietors, SI Broadway, New York. Per sale at manufacturer's prices in Buaaie by William vtraaisHan asd decorated throughout The Special Committee on the investigation of IN A STYLE OF MAGNIFICENCE UNSURPASSED Ei a Charles Celeaua, O.

H. P. Champlia, Saiith ft the matters connected with tbe Central Kauroad nulla me, c. B. Andrews et o-, e.

it. uoicamaa su.sis consolidation, ire Messrs. Northrup, Smith, Callahan Henry Cammeron Chrysler George Cummins Thos by all druggists. foltf MOI a 13 MAIN STREET, Eait tidc, near the Clarendon, GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Till SETTING OF Chilson'sjAir Waririing1 Furnaces, PORTABLE FURNACES, PARLOR Cf HATES, COOKIVG RANGE, EMERSON'S CHIMNEY CAPS, AC. All IVananted to Work Well.

IN TJiJS i inytstr Holms White, Proprietors, (late of St. Louis, Mo.) SMITH oi CHAliD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Office, No, 11 Exchange Street. Uncurrent Money. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Prendergast, Hoyle and Madison.

Mr. Case moved that the Attorney General be requested to report why John Smith and his sureties bad not prosecuted. BIRD CAGES OF HOME MANUFACTURE. Perhaps some would be surprised to know that there Is in our city a Manufactory of Bird Cages on an extensive fcale. There is made a great variety, trom the common to the most elaborate finish.

They possess advantages over the imiorted Cages in their substantial make and greater durability, and also the" beautiful styles in which they are ornamented. We are certain that citi-sens only will have to know these acts to sustain this Home Manufacture by their patronage. Manufactory 81 Main street House-Keeper's Emporium, 17 Msln-st. JEWETT DAT. HOME COOKING STOVES AT VERY LOW LOW PRICES $9 00 only for a good heavy plate Cooking Stove, with furniture complete, (18 piecee.) til 00 only for a Hot Air and Air Tight Cook Stove, with furniture complete.

$15 00 only a splendid large oven Hot Air Cook Stove, with furniture complete If you want a good heavy, well made Steve of Home Manufacture, warm- ted, and at a saving of one third the price, call at either 81 or 217 Main street. mrl2 JEWETT A DAY. i Domestic and Foreisn Exchapge. Ac. Ac.

The balance of the day was consumed in debate Dudgeon Adam Doocy Mich Derby Ben' Doody Timothy Dudley mr Deal Wm Driscoll Dunn Wm A Dickey David Davy John. Delay Dennis Dukis John 2 Day Dudley Duiiunore Davis Levi Collections made in all parts ol the United SUtes, in the Canadas and in Europe with promptness. The Chief Engineer recommended that John Dannon a member of Engine Co No 10, be expelled. Adopted. The Chief Engineer also recommended that an election he held on the 87th of March, iustant, to fill the vacancies in the Engineer department.

The recommendation was adopted. The Superintendent of Schools reported that there was dus Cleveland Jt Rumrill, $800, for building school house in district.No 13. Reccivedand placed on file. no-nous, BMauumoits akd botioks. By Aid Chamberlain, that the Comptroller report at the next meeting of the Council the amount received for the sale of buildings on the Chippewa Street Market Ground.

Adopted. By Aid Bidwell, that Harbor Master Jas Stewart be and is hereby ordered to collect an furniture and fixtures belonging to the Harbor Masters' department and remove the same to the city building. Adopted. on the bill appropriating $25,000 to i ay the expenses of the Harbor Commissioners. Davis Henry Davis Dirkson Hiram Dawson John Doonan John Doan Draper Geo Davis Patrick English Wm WB.


RCN WICK. PRACTICAL PLUMBER. R. The bill was amended so as to provide tbat the commission shall cease on the first. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, 248 MAIN STREET, GAS FITIMG IN ALX BRANCHES.

Ensime Fanning Knufh Deirpster Bcklin Charles At Dudley's House Fm-itUlting Store. Gives his personal attention to House Plumb Eigbme Charles Easterbrooks dB JoTj Work in Iron, Tin or Copper. FOR SALE Dudley Bull's STOVES, and Elliott Charles New Hat and Cap Store. Rooms over ttte Metropolitan TTtseatxe. ing in all its branches.

Niagara Water brought into Eastern STOVES. buildings. All work entrusted to R. K.J will be done in the THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Sis- Junes Clarke's CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS.

Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable Medicine ia unfailing in the cure ef all those painful and dangerous diseases Incident te the female constitution. It moderates all excess, removes aU obstructions, and brings on the monthly period ith regularity. These pills should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement they fortify the constitution, and lessen tae suffering daring labor, enabling the mother te perform her dalles with safety to herseir and child.

These pills should not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure ta bring on Miscarriage, but at other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal affections, pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpi latioa of tbe Heart, Lewneae of Spirits, Hysterica, Sick Headache, Whites and all the painful diseases ecca--sioned by a disordered system, these pills will enact a core when all ether meaas have tailed, aad although a powerful remedy, de not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any ether Full directions accompanying each package. Price, 1b the United Stales and Canada, One Dollar. Sole Agents in tbe United States, HAn.itf.fT' vtcasale of alt JaAnele, most workman-lute style.

rt. luoniia, Foster Robert Fist Spencer Flinttour Charles Fenton Farrau Frank Kai wood John Faleont John WOODEN WARE, TIN WARE, ENGLISH AND PRBKCH WM.H. BEDSON, FOR THE LAST THREE years in charge of the Manufactory Department of Ketchum Comstock. announces to the citizens of Buffa Pblpps Uiiiou Female Semiiiary THE SPRING TERM OF THIS INSTITIJ-tion opens on the 20th inst. For further information enquire of A.

M. CLAPP, Be- Farnell Wm John flak Kara Fellour vmlztf 248 uain sireei. W. LEAK, Manufacturer of everv variety of Faircbilds Also, that the Street Commisioner notify the owners of Fishier FredericlfFoiter Joseph 8 lo and vicinity, that he has Just opened his SPRING STYLES ef Farmer Fisher Wm Fleming Wm nior Editor of the Buffalo Express, and one of the patrons BITUIiKN UThNBAUS, RICH SILVER PLATED TEA SETTS. JTAALBS G.

DTJD7LKY, fe29 248 Jrjain street, east side, near the Churches. VERANDAS, BALCONIES, BALUSTRADES, lumber on the Elk Stieet market ground to remove the same before the 16th of April next. Adopted. Kletcbtr EdwardSP Fitzgerald John Flower Francis Faroat or tbe school. Catalogues can be nad, promptly, oy aa dressing: the Principals and Proprietors.

HATS AND CAPS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, And of the meet fashionable and popular styles, Also, that the City Surveyor prepare an estimate for a IRON FENCE, IRON DOORS, BllUTTEliS, Sc. Main south of Chippawa opposite North Church, BUFFALO, N. Y. N. B.

Smith Work in all iU branches. rt. lb AUtdAliLtEB, mr7tf Albion, (Orleans N. Y. TTOR SALJE STORE .09 SENECA STREET, Gocdrich A Groome Hiram swing bridge across Buffalo Creek at or near Chicago st.

At 105 Halm Street, up Btalra. With his experience as a Hatter, be can salely say, that lot 26xl00t-w ll be sold eheap and en easy J- Graves Charles Gill Henry LOT 25x86 1 8 WITH A SALE A Gould Merritt Gallivan Martin Gallighan Thomas Greene Adopted. Also. tsoxlOO feet adioininE the above, easterly, with fe Orders promptly attended to, and on the most rea- Galervan David A. one story frame house, convenient and In good repair.

bis manufactures cannot be equulled by any other establishment, aefi-dly WM. H. BEDSON. brick barn in the rear. onable terms.

spzoiy By Aid Plumley, that the Receiver of Tsxes be directed Galerln Edwin Garey James Gibbj John situate on Cn ion street between Eagle and Clinton streets. Also, lb acres ot garden land on Abbott Road, a so ties Also, a lot 60x178 on Seneca street, between Chicago WUB.TS, HATCH i QENERA1 from Main atreet. to publish a list of all local rolls affecting property in the territarv formerly comoriiiur the old fourth and fifth street and Kinny's Alley, running through to Folsom-et, Also, 1 story cottsge and lot on Sixth street, giooo. RUCTION AND COMillStilON MERCHANTS, i daw ii a 1200 with a two story frame house on eeneca ana a one story wards in a German paper. Adopted.

(Late J. Bryan,) Rochester. N. Y. Dame house on Folsom street.

Hoggins Charles Howe George Heueberry Daniel Iluan'm John Hulbert Eugene Hall John Huntley Edward Hsrges John Henderson ES Heath Jabts ASD REAL ESTATE AOANTS. FOR THE SALE OF TTJTTLE ft MOSES. Auburn. M. General Asenla.

By Aid O'Brian that the Council intend to construct with a serious accident yesterday morning. He was at work upon the frame of a ear In the workshop, at Hack Rock, when he stumbled or slipped and was precipitated frees the top of the ear to the ground, a distance of twelve or fifteen feet, striking upon bis head. When picked up he was insensible bat it is thought his injuries are not dangerous. He conveyed to his residence, and his wounds properly attended to. HT" Rosa wat.

A span of horses, without a vehicle attached to them, rt away en the Terrace yesterday afternoon. After waltxlng around two of three corners, they brought up against a cart man 'a borae, upsetting him and breaking the thills to the cart. They did some dsasage to themselves and to the horse they encountered. It occurs to us that an ordinance ought to be passed imposing a severe penalty on persons who allow their teams to ran away la thj streets of the etty, thus endangering Ufe. tJF" It is to be hoped that the gentlemen man Also, a lot 80x80 on FJlicott, west side, between Huron and Genesee streets, with a one and a half story frame sewer from the northerly line of the Erie Canal, at its in Lots, Land, Good, Stocks, Vessels, dc, IX IX IX 160w Ninth 1T0O Palmer, 1S00 1100 Michigan" 860v SULLY kCKLEY, house.

ilerpert Uuggms John tersection with Commercial street, to a point In Pearl St Also, a one story frame house en William street, sooth brick house No. 22 Dearborn street, selOtf CHICAGO, ILL. A. r. WOKTS.


Uetrett Eliphalet Hjcks 3 Hay ward Nathanie Higginsfatt Higgins Oscar llussey Michael llagbin Thomas Hathaway Samuel Hoyt Seth Hathaway Wm 11 Hews Win Hathaway Wm Haaleton Leonard Jordan John PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS! 100 Pianos for Sale at the Makers' Price, or to Hire at SKEPPAllD'S WHOLESALE ABD ESTAIL PIANO EMPORIUM, Mo. East Swan Street, Iluttalo. Prices from (50 to tlOOO. Yai-ious makers Pianos will be kept on band, vis: CHICKERING AND STODART'S one hundred and fifty feet northerly therefrom, also to side, 25 feet east or Walnut street, wltn lot Boxoe. Hamilton UenryM Hutlcs James Harnlin George Helliater John Apply at UEO.

A. BUJ5RMAN'B Land Office, mi No. 8 Brown's Buildings. Citisen'and Farmers' Land Ofaee, 4 Hoinster Balktiaga. ELIJAH BRUCE, i fftuccessortoPox ABruce.1 reconstruct and connect with said sewer the sewers and receivers in Pearl and Commercial streets, between the above named streets, and that the Clerk publish such no Hargravc George Hoy Joseph Uerriugton Henry Helmes Morris Notice.

SHIP CHANDLER, GROCER COMMISSION IMPORTANT NOTICE To tne People of Buffalo N. B. tl enclosed to either ef the Oeaeral Agents Bill ensure a bottle of the pills by return maiL Vor sale by all druggists ia Buffalo, aad druggists gca-erally. aoSdftely LHE SCRSCR1BER WILL LEASE ON A long term the following desirable Lots i Lots oa Peaco*ck street, south side, do Eagle do H. Division north side, 1 do south side Buffalo Creek, 1 do do Ship Canal, near foot efMaln-st.

1 do Seneca st, 8. side, next te astern House. Also will sell Lots en Evans street, sooth side, 9 de Lock street, running to le Canal, between Evans and Erie streets. CHAS. U.

SHEPARD, mrS-zw Office Ko. Exehat ge-st. rpHE FIRMS OF HOLT, PALMER tice of intention. Adopted. MERCHANT, DKALEEIX Jermom Harry By Aid Plumley, that fhe Street Commissioner advertise Anchors, Chains, Canvass, Tarred and Manilla Cordage J.

at Buffalo, N. O. N. CHAP1N Albany, MALLORY. HOLT CO- New fork.

SURROUNDING COUNTRY, AND ALSO THE PEOPLE for five days for proposals for sewer in York street. Grands, Parlor Grands, elegantly Carved Louis XlVths, 23 24 VENTRAL VY HARP 61 fEIMg BT. BUFFALO, N. T. Adopted.

i Or CANADA. On the 16th and 16th of each and every month are this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe unsettled Kellough Edward aging the eubecriptiona for the new Manufacturers' and business or the several firms will be settled by Rata Also, sundry resolnl ions determining the amount to be Agency of the Buffalo White Lead Co. Cash paid for Kintrelong ueo a the well known and Justly celebrated. Palmer and George W.

Holt, Buffalo; Orden N. Chapin, Old Junk. api-iy Kennedy Patrick Kyle Mathon Kyle Thos Knapp Stephen Kemp Wm Kidder iieoK assessed for local works. Adopted. Traders' Bank will not permit an amount of stock to be taken by any elsss of persons in this city whose proclivi the STODARTSERPKNT1NE, with pearl and Ivory keys, round corner and square, in Rosewood, Mahogany end BlacB Walnut cases, ef various patterns forming the largest and most complete assortment of Pianos in buffalo.

Retail Agency for the sale of 7PRITVCE Si CD'S MELODEO.VS. 111 1.1. WILLARD, Also, that orders be drawn in favor of I Holloway for Jewell Byron Jones Joshua Kuth Jobn Kurs Joseph Keelty Michael Keena Michael KeUog Eidd Ii Loveridge Joel Leech Lynch Micliael Lane Oliver Blester James Kerr John PRODUCE. FORWARDING AND" COMMIS- ties and methods of doing business would Incline them to Indian Herb Doctor, K. J.

Lyons, fjV THE ARCADE, ROCHESTER, Will visit Buffalo and can be consulted and his Medicine, from Nature's Garden, obtained at the $200. Adopted Albany; Jamea H. Mallory and rn. N. Holt, New I or a.

Buffalo, Feb. 20, 1866. RCFUS C. PALMER, GEORGE W. HOLT, OGDKN N.

CHAPIN fee2Sd6w JAMES H. MALLORY. Second hand Pianos wanted, for which cash will be By Aid Chambers tliat'an prder for $101 94 be drawn FOR; SALE A TWO 8TORT BRICK use ea South Division atreet, Xo. 1ST, eewtb side. SION MERCHANTS, AlsoDeaiers in Salt, Water Lime and Plaster.

Near foot of Lloyd street, opposite Buffalo City Bank. InXavor of Hill. Adopted. paid. If made by.Btodart or Cbwkering.

second hand Pianos taken in exchanse for new ones. CLARENDON HOTEL. Lemon Cenj rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JUST RE- Iwrence A fs2 PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIR EL. dActf J. 8.

Bbelu li 'eon direct the Bank from the legitimate purpose of its organisation. Ws understand that an attempt will be made to control It by those who have nothing to gain from its success, and who have no other Idea of a Bank than as an Improved machine for grinding men up fine hats, boots and pantaloons. Keep clear of this rock, gentlemen. The Council then adjourned until Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of taking up and acting upon Y. Lemon Jas.

M. Wuxabd I BUFFALO, N. JL turned from New none witn a rati sua complete as Labe Chas Exchanse Office, BaiiRiugr Sd the Comptroller's estimate. La timer Wm sortment of llouae Farnisliing Goods, i Lawrence Alex Let ene end all who are suffering with diseases of the Longs, Heart, Liver and throat, and all diseases of the Blood or any other complicated Chronic complaints ef long standing, by a 11 me axis avail themeelves of this chaaoe witheat delay. By so doing tbey wHl escape the iron grasp of that curse of the human race.

Mercury, and other Mineral poisons. Nay more, they will become once more in full possesion ef that greatest of all earthly Hissings K.ltb i NO. 3 EXCHANGE STREET. Latterinun Edward Lannon Thomas MO M' (i )K tte HOULISTO Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. ALL KINDS OF HIRT8 ana fTtHER-CTO THING, AT VEST LOW PRICES, Such as every variety or WHITE SHIRTS.

UNDER-SHIRTS. DRAWEV.8. Levi Ludlow Daul Land on Lampkin Hiram Lannon Joseph Lannon Jamea MInee John Miller Jacob Maher John Mitchell James Mason Joseph Men lea; John McGiovin James Embracing one of the largest and most complete stock In this city of Tea Trays, Tea Sets, Wooden and Willow wn. Kitchen and Table Cutlery. French and English I DEALERS IB J5f Wc notice by the Cleveland papers that the Rev.

J. Htatt Snnu, of this city, is to repeat bis lec ty Feral Impostor. The Albany Trans-script says Elisabeth Goodrider was arrested in Albany ob Wednesday last, cbsrged with having stolen wearing McFarlar.e A Murray Kerr MeGolligan mr Mangan Michael UNCURRENT MONEY, GOLD SILVER, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Ao. Merriit Meuugn Jonn Cooking Utensils, Ac.

wlilch they will seU as law aa the lowest, and warrant as good ss the beet, rsw- Remember the place, No. 3 Seneca street, le- Murphy Florence Melloy Nathan Collections made "with promptness in all parte SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, SOCKS, SHIRT-COLLARS, 10 LADIES OLD AMD TODNO, MARRIED AND Clt MARRIED, Who are suffering with Uieee verioni diseases peculiar te their sex are reuuested by no bmbbs le despair ef a per HcUarnan Dennis siorrison nooert apparel treat the house of a Mr. Raman, in. the Bowery. 8h has been in the habit, lately, of visiting Buffalo, Roch-ter, Utiea and Syracuse, and by representing that she wss tween Webster A and Gee.

Gage's weR known If am McLane Robert Mnrpby iwln McWetliey Alaston Frank ef the United SUtes, Canada, and Europe. bobebt mojstgomebt, i apfltf akdbhw n0TJLroa. CAMEllOlS McKAY; CARPET, UPHOLSTERY AND PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE. related to Father Nokthbm, of the latter oily, gained ad- Mulcahaye Michael lot auxllbM to aa alley. Also, a two story frame bouse, large aad ceBveateat, gas aad water, hot end cold, faraaee, kc Ae, with rntee by lit situate ea Mala street, betweea Huron aad Chippewa.

Apply at GEO. A. SHERMAN'S, ar8 Ke. 8 Browa's rsorRdaag. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER 1 YATES Has jast received a very large assotttnenl of SHIRTS and DRAWERS, conststrng In part as follows Merino, Cashmere, Lamb's Wool, Silk, Ribbed Oetton, An Wool, Shaker Flannel, Game Wool, Canton Flannel, Mae Mixed Eanrla, Together with every fining else ia the Furnishing line, snd EES' AID BOYS' CLOTHIXG, 818 MAIN STREET, TOWNSEND MALL BLOt kX seltdtf For Male.

JX-t. FOB SALE THE UNDERSIGN -AVa22 ed offer fer sale aew Heamer CLiy TON," formerly plying betweea Chippewa aad Buffalo In conaortlrrn with tae krie Ontario Radioed. This Be.t easae eat ia September, 1S6A, ls feet ever fert Beam, feet depth af bold wse modelled by Ueerge Collier ef Mew York, and buRt andertbe eTsaerlateadoaw-e of his brother Thomas. Her engine ia low preeeare, te ily Grocery Establishments. PIERCE CHAMPL1M.

JUST RECEIVED AT THE AGENCY, NO. 3 SENEGA STREET, Marshall Horse Giles mlttance to the dwellings of German Catholics, and then shamefully outraged their kindness by stealing. She wss Silk and Linen Pocket HadVfs. Every Variety of At prices unheard ef, such as SfcXJfVADJ S1TN ii NAPOLEONS, Ac, Ac, SRLJuma BK1VOW COST Te make room for ether goods at MIXXTNGTOITS, 20 MAIN STREET, oc27tf Opposite the Churches Matte on Meekin James McArthy Michael Manwing Wm McLellan Hugh No. 125 Main Mansion Mouse Bloct, Buffalo.

Jbo. Cajubox. Alex. M'Kat. sent to jail.

A full suonly of tbe celebrated Stewart's COOKING McGiUis Hsncy Ha her Wm Muchmore Wm Mansy Thomas Mariindale MitehelWm McKeely Wm Maxneld Josef IT Neagle Nilsn Michael Noble I STOVE, warranted to give aatisfaetien er the meaey re manent cart until they he ve given the India a Herb Doctor and his Medicines a fair and iaiiuf ul to-iaL The experience and successor 15 years practice during tne Doctor traveling in all the principal parts ol the Globe eaalies aim with the utmost confidence, to wsrrant a cure where other eminent Preesors or in ether word Calomel doc tors have failed to give relief. Ear A Pamphlet containing a short history ef Medicines, also a brief sketch of the Doctor's life, study sad extensive travels can be obtained gratis at his Room at the Clarendon Hotel. tdSrConsaltatkm and advice given free ef charge. Tbe Poor will be liberally considered. KeoBUtopea from 8 A.

A general assortment of Carpets, Rugs, Drug UP Selfishness. Selfishness is poverty it runded. mr8-2m PIERCE CHAMPL1N ture upon The True Dignity of a Business man, before the students of Bryaxt, Ltjsk Strattok's Mercantile College, In that city, this ewoning. The Lecture is highly spoken of. The'Lockporf Journal of the 13th says A pair of fine oxen, owned by James Calvert, were weighed tills morning on the scales near the American Hotel.

Their united weight was 8,900 lbs. They were driven to Buffalo for slaughter. ffT We understand that tW choir of the Universalis; Church, assisted by several of our leading musicians, is to' give a concert during next week, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to charitable purposes. We desire to call attention to the special notice of Messrs. Gowax Bkabd, Soap and Candle Manufacturers.

This Is the firm which gives tieeteen ounce to Vie pound. Is the most niter destitution of a human being. It can gets, India Mattings and Floor OH Cloths, Feather Beds Mattresses and Cushions, Paner Hangings end Borders, Newhum Boyd Neklin Janus Numen Be'oy North Clement Freedom ol Speech. bring nothing to his Teller It sharpens his pains; it ag Eclectic Therapeutic Institiite, Attica, HT. Y.

Window Shades, Cords and Tassels ot all colors, sun and Wonted Damasks, Moreens, Laces, Fringes, Gimps, and gravates alt the losses he Is liable to endure, and when DR. FRENCH, WHO IS NOW IN CLEVE-land. will visit Buffalo on WIDNE8DAY, the ilth Embroidered Muslins, Ac, constancy on band. jyx CliARKE, GTJTIIlilE SXTJKGES, TTITHY IS THIS HEALTH INSTITUTE SO Oaborn O'Oonner Consents O'Fudd M. to 12 and a to r.

M. Remember that the Indian Herb Doctor's office fat Oader franc is TV LIBERALLYaPATRONIZED Among other, for these reasons FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Becaase, One distinctive feature is, that tbe elements of No. Central Wliarf, Buffalo, N. T. at bo.

74, he and ST, Arcade Hall, ever the Past Office, Rochester. Residence Ke.14 Cheaont street, Id door from Elm street, west side. JeBS-ly Phyaica, Fbysiolory as a memistry, wbub ccmposo km inch Cylinder, IS sset stroke, wttb efeei'e Improved cut Liberal advances made on all kinds of Produce for sale foe the purpose of curing those who are afflicted with that moat painful and mortifjing of all habits. Stuttering and Stammering. i.

He can refer to more than fifty of the citiacoe ef Cleveland, who know that radical and permanent cures have been effected by his treatment; He will CHARGE NOTHING if he fails to cure, and will forfeit One Thousand Dollars if any one can Stutter or Stammer and follow his direetfoDS. f5tf prr Dr. p. may be found at the Clarendon Hotel. Penderghtst Pike Price Saul Price Pierce Wm Pattiaon William Petterson Wm.

system of Tkebama, arc rationally as well as practically demonstrated. eeT aad wreagni trem aaaia. mmwt iwjt iocs in this and Eastern Markets. Fine and Tabular Boilers ef the I Purget Adam Penney Burton Patch A Petri ve Francis Page EES PenBeld Dan Powell Thos Particular attention paid to purchasing Produce i Because, file system of Remedial Prcceuore, is strictly PavaiofAWaSAL. theeuantity of foci eeneomed will shew.

For anred she Is BnsuTnassed by any ef her class. For forth, Patten Seargeant Park Capt 6 real Clottting Hall. 918 Haiti a tree Townee a el Hall Black. TH0LESALE AND RETAIL. YATE8 rS3 Single conies of tho Exoress mav be had Cvaos Clalxr the late firm of Walker Clarke.

Beeaose.lts patrons are we'l pleased with tbe character particBlars sprliy te 1 JAMFS MACKLEM, goaded to exit ernes, often turns destroy erv and strikes Its last Mow en himself. It gives us nothing to rest on or fly to In Bauble it turns our affections on ourselves, self on self, as the tap Of tree descending out of season front Its heavenward branches, and making not only its life useless but lis growth downward. i Natioatioi. We aro infoimed that the body of Ice In the Lake Is unusualy light this Spring, and that wo easy look for navigation as early es usual which, we suppose, means about the middle of April. It is said that the heavy body of snow that fell immediately after the tret tee fenned over the entire surface of the Lake, has prevented Hi attaining great thickness.

Wei hope these prognostications saay prove correct, but we confess to a went of entire confidence. taf" A HuMsut Hons. Arc you not sur- Buckingham Guthrie. S. GinsaiB.

at Uaaxb' News Depot, Past Office sBje-ias 1 vuissr.BMsir. er the institution, wua lis remedial success, ana warm-iv advocate its prosperity. E. Sttjbges, Ja. Oh o.

Prunella Henry rowers Daniel Quinn John "a ScJnermerttoiii, Watkins Bristol. Because, la style, elegance and the comfort it affords, it inst received bis Fall Stock of MENS' and BOYS CUWHIXe and FURJOSHIN'O GOODS. Any GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GenOemaaimay obtain aeeeeplete outfit, in the most tasa- Also at A. P. Bacub News and Periodical Depot, Clarendon Block.

The joko cracked on strangers by the hack drivers at the Falls, of very seriously asking them if Is unsurpassed by any Health Anatitauon alio oar kaow.edge. For farther inhumation addreaa thePro-rsetor. and in return receive a namnbletof IS paces. DART etc, BROTHERS BUFFALO CITY PLANING MILL, AMD For Sale. TIME LONG, PAYMENTS EAST AND price low the property known aa Webbs Garden, York atreet.

Lot on Niagara street, adjoining old Lead Factory, and sundry lots en Eleventn street, nth of Virginia street- Pine lot ea west corner of Virginia and Seventh streets. CHARLES D. NORION, fei6tf 88 Main street. unaoie sqne, ana i RiggsB Riseiay Chas I FOB TBB SAXB OT I ALL KINDS OF PRODTJCJB. 175 Fbost Szbebt, asn 26 Brrauxe Sue, New Yobk.

Rider John Ryden Jo Ron RJ Co Rose Wm containing its announcement, three abort explanatory Er mease call lain atthia boaae a Roseearsoo r. Ranson Giles can get made to Order. Rose Richard Ruxford Rennolds Wm Riseiay Wm Real James Sjkes Royal DOOR, SASH, AND BLIND MANCFACTORT. letters ef Its Therapeutics, ana lestiqwuaia oi no irons. OR1N DbAS, M.

Jals-dacSss rYoprietor. Ourtisii.Storrs A N. Y. Charles Cleaver. Chicaro.

For rale. Joha West, J. Haakins, Mawaukee. they knew what that little beat that performs such daring I feats was made of," and then enlightening their ignorance by informing them she was "Maid ef Oe Mitt," is very good. We do not know what Cabarrus's Xylophlo-' rium is made of, but we know that is made of something' Hart, Newman A BulIlo.

Sam 1 L. WethereU AND LOT ON THE WEST SIDE jr. p. dt P. Jf.

DICKJEY, DEALERS IN ICE, Kaineyc wcdwumi( at. ixiuia. Leonard, Btordemaju New Orleans. apStf of EUicsU street, no. is, new aceupiea ey e.

t. at- to ted! how Independent of money, peace of con-Is. and how much happiness can be condensed Scott mr Smith Anthony Squire Cap A Scriven alonxe A Word to Parent! YATES Has now on hand YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, ef alt ascription, and for all ages, froaw three to twenty years, at 'tis Ualsa st Towsuad IIa.il Blatelt. se0tf walcr. wiU net be reated.

ana. a lot en the south side ef Worth street, bounded Have on hand and offer fhr sale tlie largest and best stock ef lee ever pat ap ia thie Saarket. Their ra.tafdsi w. i. itxxi.s, Imrjm-ters 1 at.a Wholesale Dealers in uata the hawableet boms A cottage will not held the bulky that surpasses anything we ever aaw for preserving and J.

abt, Jr. w. U.OvssetoB. K. Saa.

We have aea aa bead a targe essoi taunt ef seaseiu Pine and Ash Lumber, rough end drrand: lncladli.g roariag. Ceding. "einf, PsacUng, tbeh lag ieavasstd BBARbBLBr PREMIUM MACHINES. Warranted Kiln dried decrs, Saaa, BRadt, Bra. tr(, Moa IdingB Ac always en band.

Gig, Panel and Job Sawing done te order. erzMf DART BROTH KR8, Worth side Ply a Bsaio. furnttare and sumptuous accommodations of a mansion cleaning the hair, Ac. Call at the corner of Main and by Jersey andTweiroi streets, having a front ef tWO feet oa North asreet. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, (tack eels to upwards ef 10.064 toe Lake Erie ice, iaot (eel oamfloaTit of beinw aUi to fill all deaaands Samuel A Schriver Hi Sherman Fran Simon but If God be there.

cottars will hold as much happiness West Eagle streets and get a bottle. nu-18-lw Also, a hoose ana Mt en the east rase ef Mara street, fa Also Foreign Fruits, ncsies, i-icxieu uysters, Lobsterr i Preserves, Ac. wttb which they asay be favored lev the eatisfactina of front of Af.es street, feet front, rennltg throasB te as might stock a palace. Se says the Rev. Chaklbs Ham- Waehini-ren street.

their eaatsaiwia. Steamers, Propellers, Hotels, baloca, BauMnf hauea mji- ml liberal rates. Also, fa Also Receiving in their season, Oysters in shell Sales Fran tbay Daniel Seonelde Saflbrd Henrv Sevens Joha Steel Joseph Smith Leon Sanderson Tingn Jos Turl John Twiner -Thooaon Jas Tanner Vosburgb Isaac Shepard Ralph Spencer OO Stutts Rudorphus Belby Stanton Thos Stark Wm Scott Ed i T' TycgLBS a i Towne Lorenxo Toosbory Robt Town send Rich Thompson Wm Vanderwater THE HOUSE 61 EAST SENECA STREET, long known as a boarding hease kas beea fitted op in fine -order by tbe Insurance Oo, aad at piepared te aceontmodata families or single gentlemen witk rssws furnished or unfurnished, as desired. ect-gl Also, aitp iv in trie nrsi rrestmertan unurcn. nan tJgr To those who suffer from the toothache, we would say try Dr.

Crnoiutes' Nerve Anodyne, a medicine better known than any remedy ever offered for its core. (Tip Ho. 16 tn St. John's Charcb. rrlee lew ant terme milies supplied.

All mriMrm lafl with IT. Lajnb. MalB sL. OC Job Alber Tompkins mr Turner Frederick New York. fj7 Store No 89 Main street, Buffalo.

SAGte, Si Co, easy. L. K. HADDOCK, feSa-lni Ko- 8 epeebirogw r-xehangt ger.cerner Franklin strest and Terrace, wiU have prompt mrlgtf attention. ARCHITECTS A.ND BUILDING SUPERIN- Textun Henry Tobey Geo Thompson Julia For sale by druggists generally.

mrl7 d2weod styles and entirely ease at very lew pri- Tor Sale. China and PUid Silk RobeaetE new designs, and very rich geeda. Mop aud Ufttd Talis I STRAYED FROM THE CORNER DELA-ware and Somaier streets, ia the City ef the list of this month, a six year eld Cow aad a tae year eld Heifer, both ef the JVveuahise breed, fcoth a brift-t red and la good order. Tae Heiler had aoux gssyiah wLi.c hairs at tae ead ef tae toil, ead large berate erSvar-bsediiai A baaral swwaml anil be paid tbe same er for infonnatioa givea aaevw laey an tie fornnth esatf K. DARsrOW.

fTli Paper Hans lng. 1TTISDOW. SHADES. CORDS, TASSELS, Met. 8 Brown's BwOeHnos, Buffalo rrrr feet of land on main street.

ISAAC HOLLOWAY, DKALEB IB All orders, either as Architects or Builders exe Van AUen elf ihioaah as Wawhtngtoa street adjeess WUaasos' IattrTTea tor paymestt. BeSands, Oil Ctotks aad otber good saved frwas the late fire, ar row ottered ler sale at very bw the Store; llouae ia rear of my eM stand, Hi Main atreet. cated with promptness and in a style canal to any In the MEDINA AND LOCKPORT SAND STONE, country. i K. ISACE, a.

at, niACUX, emmrm una White A Wlnans Baafon Welch Warner Chester Ward Thos Walker John A Jadas Maatea's i esfaVraor. On long time and first pay- ILAUuUiU, CURBING, PLATFORMS, Door eutd Witnlme Cape and inlU, titrpe, ate- 1 Offiae and Yard earner Miehiean atraae and the Enrrance-from aeneca strert. t. jeiTj M. H.

BIRGE. STIMPSOS Si USES, t2T Gay. ThU has been the gayest season that has been known iter many years. There have beeu mere parties, saore pleasare-rides, more balls, more weddings, mere fan aad merriment goneraily, than have been knows; within the same period to the memory ef any of the "eldest Inhabitants." A bard winter is'nt so bad, attar aft. fST Hou Improvements.

Messrs. Gowas RaABB have pnrreia aod the let IS fast front by 106 feet deep, OB the eoutheKat corner of Washington and Greene stream, Which to be bunt up this spring with a five story hrict hteok, ke aaed aa atorea aua tor toe 8oap and Can-l maaantctwry ef that firm. a t2T trw indebted to the polite nea of G. jr.BsrBll.Ksq feei Master ot the Slate Senate, for a oapar at the LagudaUve Manaei for 1856, lor which be will Ml aamaiA. rn.

v. au r. MrM No-Ui Main street. ces, received uus mormng. mrd gjtga SHERMAN A Co.

ARMS! FARMS! FARMS! IN ALL THE Counties, ef all stsce aad desertions, improved and unimproved, for sale at the Citstea ft Parmer's land Office, 4 HoIHster Bnfldlnf BPLLT ft IXKLBI For Sale. TWO SECOND HAND LUMBER ONE Hone Wargoeu. CUTTER, COTB ft ACtTlS, u. KlwtA am Km4m a B7aia Oewal. Main and Hamburgh Caaai.

mygl-dtf ALE EXTRAORDINARY THREE LARGE DR. ENAPP, OCULIST, AT NO. 116 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jaw OrntrmH Vkmj vs. tmraoa. I IfOSKS RBiTR, tocata tae Been er ne ury.

wiin eras WhiteaideeD Woodbury Wm Wlbon Maitin WeatphalAlnt WOsoaJMH Wermer Morgan WaiiameGeeS Wright Rev Worth-Walkor Kingsbury Wataon Jas Ingssa WaldroaR Walker Jaa Wagner Wm Ward Robt Watkins Jas Wood WalsbPat Clare udou Hotel. arrvvflm. balance a large estate most be setd pilBegc, belanee water BOVPALO.K.T. ARKEP. to etooc rt Lumber Dealer, 686 Washington Street.

SUCCESSOR TO J. O. DO DUX CO. PartlealBTaatteatiea paid to tbe mnfrheee af Ploar aad We. 1 West Seneca street.

THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY AN-lumiin that be has become Proprietor of tbe above Hotel aad hopes by strict stteotio te business and th comforts ef hie guests, to icuciis the patronage ef his Sraie ea oraere. 1 1 i- aoyzii ja9tf H. W. WeftAwiEyas. IlihlhalmlB (binieaaisrkm.) promptlycared.

Aaaauraate. Oraaamliaa, Opacity, Dimaros ef Tiaaa aaA be reviews etker maladies et the ArnetadEyealaeiiti il. They resemble the aaterai eye exactly, ia eeeer end expresssrn, acd wit cove aad 'ot precieely like It, aad are icaertrd and reasevrd at pteuw aHheut the slkhaest pata or eetxetienl Meces lrea eg oWlsxtracatdfraai Ike Aye fa. a me- J.G.D1UHXSB, Stawt PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, mends ane tom tra-esimg eeammnrty. ezl4f EDWARD RICK CORDS Initials.

Globe Foundry Dixons Air Line Proprietor Steamer Cliften Carrespendiag Secretary Buffalo Typograph- HE1IOVA THE AGENCIES OF THE EXCELSIOB DtSCaAKat ef Hew Terk BROOKLYN FIRB IHS. ef Braebtya, V. INrTtRNATTOSALlHS. efrtew Tork CRy, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND FORWARD Merxkasvr msekemat. For Balcw JK? The Schooner J.

Vf. afcotit DaildiMsf H.W.MaxAatsI BUTFALO v.5 No. et 14 Ventral Wharf, Buffalo. i tW Produce purchased or forwarded te order. a 5 ical CaienNoS B.M.

Aixaa. If jeS Have been removed te the comer ef Ueyd aaa Prime OTEAM ENGINES. MILL GEARINGS. B0f BaeBt. For particwlars empdre at US Malaeareet, au8U I I UE8TERI HSTElv.

JAMES DICKIE. P. lOOO. bwa aa aa kiadaef order BanThlf OSReee tw Rear. I Corner of Womibridoe ewast TAsVal clsrsats, Detroit.

s-jjr Tha Friendly Sons' of Erin" and the "'seas ef WPeHch" paraded the streets yesterday, with W1I.KKR JO. trCAlUKK. SPRING STYLES, ALL Ae a-aaaa, waste aaa nriutiaaa ever pat aa Wrtfara Sveredsof WesMna Oars and Steemhsqt Landing as sae vawaa reaaarr, ascr atreet fee-ly BARTON ft GRIFFIN iariaai fsstalaittrr aud Vatw THE ROOMS VS THE WEBSTER BLOCS, leiv eccuoied by the Moris Bank. lawtnTeef tr luauwceiut. rseara as per aay.

beads af Buaaie aad banners, ta heaer of their patrea PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mercbaata' sbsb. WAtrrre. fmylxtfT ctbosoiaexb. C. BROWN CO.

HATE JUST RE- saJV i BTAAvdl LBAissiAiia. i. aolC a. a uuBeaATia I LONG, LONG, WEARY DAY A BEAU tiful and faverite ballad aa amoe with (Teat saecei ICtl-lia MARSHAL, ft slARVKT. gW Maia-et.

alas. Bervlhliii Was eondoeted with propriety. I'j. olnl from the blaaafactarer and ea reed Use laiv ytpaVka BJ TS OoTTtCZS RICHEST TBulfalo, Maretl8.1SSS. Fnraisliinr Gosii.

JTJST XECBTVPDAT A ES! Gloves, Ties, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, Hosierj, Shirts, Drcasir Bebee, km. Sla RCaisa St. I'swastBd If all ClocW. iHt i J. mTC3ICOC7 siad asseiliiwnl ef fltatnr-T" Wl i 1 at rffTvrd tn frnf HflEPAC RECOLLECTIONS A WAYSIDE by Mrs.

a barton Hill. There are several editions ef JBAGSAiL, at IM11B138, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT AND GUmrjeeef AmeTlesalrV By Walter March. Price rbig hy eelved Ikie I fais; assay aew aad Wawtifal deaif ua. Every eae that reede fmie is feretted ta lake tbe treable te call aad see tbcasMlTSwshTsMreet. eVaSC-tf this Song iesacd, hat ears le the eory cerrset one as sen by her.

SAOE ft fpNS. Pahliahers, aril No. t0 Maia street. R'ARDSHERMARlCe. UT ry.

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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.