Jamestown Weekly Alert from Jamestown, North Dakota (2024)

JAMESTOWN CITY AND VICINITY. From Thursday's Dally. Bt, Patrick's Day. the Sliamrock, the green, immortal Shamrock! Chosen leaf Of huril and chief, 01d Erin's native Shamrock. Moore.

'Henry Herron of Adrian is in the city. J. F. JobnBon and wife of Grandin in the oity. Dulutb wheat went op a cent today at Scarlet fever is reported at the home 'of Frank IDgalla.

Fred braatrap baa returned from a viait. Judge Winoheeter of Bismarck apeut 4be day in the oity. H. J. Kimball of St.

Paul la among 4he guests of the Qladatone. E. E. Broughton and Fred Niehola of Ypailanti were in the oity today. Osoar Boyd of Pingree took a degree 4it the laat meeting of the Maaons.

A long train of empty ooaohea waa -east today to bring in more Klocdikere. Another of the large engines for the 'mountains passed through here today. Burleigh county intenda to refund 471,000 of aix per oent bonda at 4 per James Moon, H. Kalleson and Fred JBaamuaaen of Windaor were in the oity last night. The direotora of Leea diatrict at intend to ereot a school building and call for tenders for the work.

Wolves are getting very bold in the vicinity of Edmunda. It ia said they can be heard howling every night and 'morning. B. D.Buaeell returned today from a winter's visit in St. Lome.

B. 8. ia expeoted to return from there thia week. Feaaenden re porta oil etruok in a 500 ft. well.

The oil appeara to be of good quality and a atook oomypany ia under way. Architect Hanco*ck of Fargo examined Odd Fellowa block today and found the walls sound but the woodworks in need of repair. L. B. Casey returned today after an absence in the east and rado.

Short stays were made in apolis and Chicago. Mrs. Casey is in Detroit. Walter Bontillier, mail oarrier between Bismarok and Williamsport, has been arrested for the theft of a thousand lar registered paoksge from the maila Monday. He is a young boy and claims lie is innocent.

Dickinson experienced a heavy snow atorm Tuesday. The storm raged ously all day, and all outdoor traffic waa euspended. The anow blew so thick as to render any business impossible, and at night it waa drifted to a depth of eeveral feet along the atreets. The span over the Bed river for the N. P.

bridge at Fargo is in place acd the two big etone pillars for its support have been completed. The workmen are busy getting the steel work done. The track has been raised about two feet which will necessitate a rai3e on (he Moorhead side. At the meeting of Co. H.

last night promotions were made in the list of ficers. The roster of sergeants and porals now is: H. Klien, first Thoe. Mattison, seoond F. L.

Conklin, third Wm. Hotohkiss, fourth and H. E. Blood, fifth. Kneebone, tirat S.

K. McQinnis, ond J. C. Eddy, third, and J.E. son fourth.

The two last named were promoted from the ranks. Miaa Luoile Corwin gave a birthday party Tueeday in honor of her tenth year. There were 31 boys and girls pressnt. Games were played until was abundantly served, ing of sandwiches, pressed chicken, potato salad, pickles, cakes and delicious ice oaeam. Afterward they bad candy and played games.

The little hostess received many pretty gifta from big and little friends. The many friends, neighbors and road acquaintances paid their last spects and honor to Conductor Brown, whose remains were laid to rest in land Home this afternoon. Ihe pall bearers at the funeral services, held in the Presbyterian church, were taken from the ranks of the order of Bailway Conductors and consisted of O. S. Homes.

Fargo and Messrs. Ed. McCormick, Ed. Dmehart, Frank Latta, go. Traoey and Wm.

Cleland, Jamestown. Mr. Brown of Frazee, was ent at tbe services, also Mrs. J. P.

Heinzer of this oity, sister of the deceased. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their ohildren while ing, with perfeot suooess. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, oarss wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrheas.

Is pleasant to the taste Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its is incalculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup, and From Friday's Dolly.

Bev. Sheridan arrived today from ley City. Harley Miner of Sykeston waa in the city today. Wm. Farley of Spiritwood waa in the city today.

A.M. Cameron of Wheatland expects to remove to Courtenay. H. U. Thomas of Bismarck apent tbe morning in Jamestown.

O. J. Sailer is building a more venient and larger barn. Ben and Talt Thompson of Courtenay expeot to go the Klondike. Merchant Watson of Kensal acted business in the oity today.

O. O. flaugen and wife and ohild of Valley Oity were in the oity today. J. F.

Treat of Fargo was in the oity today looking after Oermania matters. Duluth wheat closed today at cents, an advance of a quarter of a oent. Mrs. G. W.

Ingrabam entertained tbe Ladies Aid aooiety of tbe Methodist oburoh yesterday. W. H. Doughty and daughter returned today from a winter's visit with friends at Sioux City. Iowa.

Barry Ingraham has returned from St. Paul where he haa been for ten days under treatment for his eyes. W. R. Millham of Emmetsburg, ia making this oity bis headquarters for tbe present, representing a monument house.

There was an unusually large dance at the Rebekah dance last ing. Tbe affair was very pleasant throughout. Miss Eula Glaspell spent a oonple of days in Minneapolis with her mother while enroute to Chicago where she will enter the Chicago Umveraity. The Presbyterian oburoh in it ia said, raiaed more money last year than any other Prsebyterian church in the state, with one exception. Grand Master Nierling and 27 Odd Fellows left for Minnewaukan today where this evening they will institute a lodge with 16 or more charter members.

Wm. Witbnell and family have moved to Mandan where Mr. Witbnell takes a position with the railway company as car inspector at a considerable increase of salaiy. Courtney Gazette: William Walker received a very fine present a few days ago in the shape of a sroid watob and chain. It oame from Hon.

B. Fuller who is visiting in the east. David LaForce and family arrived fr jm Traverse City, yesterday on a visit to Clint Hotohkiss. Mrs. Hotohkiss is Mrs.

LaForce's sister. They will probably locate here. The Dakota express did not arrive day until noon owing to delays on tbe Minnesota division the branch trains were beld for it and both left with large passenger lists, the Northern train with two ooachloads. Kryst Sohwiertz today made final proof on his homestead before Clerk of Court Prooter. His witnesses to prove bis residence upon tbe land, located 16 miles north of the oity, were John Motz and Albert Kokott.

Mrs. L. Brown, desires to extend her sincere thanks to tbe many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted her in her bereavement and especially to the members of the O. R. C.

and the choir of the Presbyterian ohnrcb for their services. Judge Winchester of Bismarok went to Valley City last night to see "Fanchon" presented at the Aoademy of Mueio with Mrs. Fr.a Conklin of this the title role. He was accompanied by Mr. Conklin and A.

L. Osborne. Dr. Baldwin bas commenced exoavations for sewer connections for his drug store block. The oarpenters have pleted tbe steel ceiling and soon the painters and deoorators will have the interior transformed.

The doctor will have one of the neatest drug stores in the state. August Abrhamson of Glenfield, Foster county, is arranging to run three gang plows by steam this spring. He proposes to attaoh them to Iub traction engine belonging to bis threshing outfit. He expects to begin operations aa soon as the frost is out of tbe ground and breakthrough June. At tbe annual meeting of tbe Literary olub last evening officers were elected aa follows: J.

B. Burgster, president F. E. Joues, vice president Mrs. D.

B. MoLain, secretary Mrs. S. E. worth, recording secretary and C.

H. Phillips, treasurer. The olub has a membership of over 30. How's This? We offer one hundred dollara reward for any case of Catarrh that oannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.

J. Cheney Co. Toledo, O. We, tbe known F. J.

Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Weet Truax, wholesale druggists. Toledo, O' Walding. Kinnan Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and ons surfaoes of the system.

Prioe 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. monials free. flail's Family Pills an the best Mr.

Wells Yes, a second attempt was made yesterday to poison Stuart's bird dog "Cap." I will pay 8100 for formation that will enable me to procure tbe conviction of the cowardly our who was fcuilty of the attempt. It is strange tbat no one bas ever been oonvioted in a community where nearly every sports man has been a victim. There is only one degree of guilt marking the tinction between the person who places tbe poison and the other one who knows of it bnt conoeals tbe knowledge. Tbe breeding and keeping of large numbers of dogs in any community may become an unbearable nuisance but it does seem tbat every sportsman is entitled to the privilege of keeping, and being tected in keepiug, one harmless and ful bird dog. Kidney, and Urinary Any of tbe above bed ting by children, too frequent or soanty urine (a trouble often found with old iaen)oau be oured by Dr.

Fen tier's ney and Baokaohe Cure." Testimonials are disregarded, many people doubting tbe honeety or sincerity of them we therefore avoid giving any here, but will urniah them on application to Lr. win of Jamestown, who will refund yonr money it not satisfied after using one bottle. Liver and Nervousness 'Cured No complaints are more oommon than the above. You are dull and muggy, your bowels move irregularly and you have a clumsy feeling about the liver. As this oondition develops yon are apt to grow despondant.

Try a bottle of Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonio it will brighten tbe spirts and give an exceptional vigor to tbe body. Tbe Baldwin drug store of Jamestown guarantees the first bottle to give satisfaction. From Saturday's Daily Sheriff Pelissier of Medora is in the city. B.

W. Fuller bas returned from the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Taylor, a son. Fargo chased 45 hoboes of town in a buoh.

Obae. Anderson returned today from Sanborn. O. L. Churohill is in St.

Paul to meet Mr. Webster. C. S. Gaskill of Minneapolis will day in tbe city.

H. Hevenor and wife left today for a brief St. Paul trip. Mr. and Mrs.

H. S. Helm returned from Valley City today. The sale of horses by O. J.

Seiler tracted numerous buyers today. Miss Eula Dewey's little friends gave her a surprise parly last evening. A special train was sent north today with 17 cars of work horses for Leeds. Fred Miller, a bachelor farmer, was found dead at bis home near Mandan. B.

S. Busseil returned today from a trip to St. Louis and tbe Twin Cities. Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Stallman tained a few friends last evening at "cinch." Two inches of snow fell last night but tbe warm sun caused some of it to disappear. Tbe supper given by the W. C.

T. U. last evening was largely attended. Over $40 was received. Farmers filled tbe city today.

Tbey said the snow was just what the ground needed to wet it op. Mrs. Angevine of Dickey arrived day to visit her daughter, Mrs. Cbas. McCully, wno is ill.

Duluth wheat closed today at Chicago May wheat at one time up to $1.07, but closed at $1.03. C. A. Searle of Dickey is in tbe city on business, connected with the Bradway estate, of which be bas charge. Mr.

and Mrs. F. H. Keeler of Buchanan V. L.

Craig and wife of Spiritwood were among tbe shoppers in the city day. The Minneapolis Northern elevator and 25,000 bushels of wheat burned at Lakota. Loss, 930,000. hot box. Frequent inquiries are being made for seed wheat.

The price is quoted at $1 a bushel, cash, with $1.15 or more and terest, on time. Sheriff MoGauvran of Langdon brought Mrs. J. MoCay to the hospital today for treatment. Mr.

MoC ty companied him. Rev. Hardy: Out near tbe city cently 1 saw a dock of wild geese in the stubble. The boys are having fun bunting gophers. Among the guests of tbe Capital hotel are MiBS O.

Bearshall, Aberdeen E. G. Allison, Tower City S. W. Nicholson and wife, Carrington.

Among tbe guests of the Gladstone are the Misses Grace Darling and Rosie Carroll, Dulutb S. H. Caldwell, go Wm. Gribble, Sterling. Jno.

Storms and Pete Eddy went to St. Paul laat night to report for duty in the postal service. It is probable they will be assigned to weigh mail. "Hog" No. 207, another of the big engines, arrived here today pulling a train of 50 oars.

The engine's tender was two-thirds the site of a box oar. OACTOIUA. Word was received today of tbe death of Mrs. H. Clark, mother of Mrs.

M. L. Parker, in Boacobel, Wis. Mrs. Parker visited her motLer last summer for eral weeks.

John P. Klimek has brought suit against Albert Anderson for tbe donment of his homestead, looated four miles south of Courtenay, and for tbe possession of the same. Attorney Knauf acts for the complainant. Testimony will be heard here April 30th. Wm.

Anthony, one of the sailors on the Maine, was one of the first on Bismarok's site in the early 70's. In a recent letter from Havana to a marck friend he old 17th Foot had tbe honor of surveying and laying out Edwintown and Burleightown before it was named Bismarck. Mrs. sixty years of age, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Cbas.

Perkins, Eighth avenue. She bad consumption. Her son ib expeoted to arrive from Brown's Valley, to take charge of tbe remaina and aooompany them Northwood, Iowa for interment. The pathy of friends is extended to the reaved family. Chief John Grass and bis Indian oompanious, now in Waahington.

cording to the Oberon Reporter will ask for remuneration tor the lands in the Antelope Valley, including the townsite of Oberon, and for the railroad right of way through the reservation. Tbey will also ask for assistance in tbe way of food and clothing from Uncle Sam. Having been pronounced citizens by tbe preme court of tbis state, tbey also wish to find out what their responsibilities well aa benefits are as such oitizens. It is doubtful, judging from pondence they have had with tbe Indian department, if tbey will obtain the relief bought. J.

A. and Cbas. Atkinson drove in from Sykeeton yesterday. Tbe proepeot is for a largely inoreased acreage of both wheat and flax. Tbe influx of settler's last year and the large number thissesson is tbe cause.

Those who oame in early last year broke up land they could and put in flax which netted them tine returns. Nearly every one bad a roll of greenbacks in the fall. All the land broken last year will be sown to wheat and oats this season and the land broken seeded to flax. We are down here looking for horses. There is a good damund in Wells county for good stock and they would find a ready sale.

Small and unbroken borse9 are not wanted. Tbe people are in position to give tbe finest seourity. Extensive arrangements are being made for tbe benefit entertainment at tbe opera bouse, March 29tb, for the Jamestown Military band. The program for tbe evening will consist of numerous selections by the band and Opera House orchestra, solos, duets and trios by the city's best local talent, selections by a male quartet, a little magic, slack wire walking, and a farce comedy by the dramatic hours solid ment. The city has the best and largest band organization in tbe state.

Leader Tunstall has devoted time and energy freely in tbe past two years to bring the organization toi ts presentjhigh effijiency. Other bands in tbe state pay their structors high salaries, but all that is asked of tbe oitizens of Jamestown is $300. For tbis purpose the ment is given to distribute tbis slight expense most equitably. A large vance sale of looked for and a continuance of tbe certs tbat have been one of tbe pleasaDt features of the summer evenings in the past. OK0 the method ana results Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels colds, beadaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation.

Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever duced, pleasing to the taste and ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 oent bottles by all leading gists. Any reliable druggist may not have it wishes to try it who on hand will pro- onre it promptly for any one who Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 9AM AMMMM0, CAL iMnmnir.

ir. new rw ox KNAUF'S LEGAL COLUMN NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. U. fs. LtinU Office, Fargo, N.

I 7tli, 1898. I Complaint having been entered at this office ly 1. li. Storms against William II. Thomas, for failure to comply with the law as to Timber ture entry No.

184H4, for S. Sec. 12, Twp. 13H, Nit. til, W.

in Stutsman county, N.D., with a view to the cancellation of said entry contestant alleging that said William I). Thomas lias at 110 time since making said entry plied with the law relating thereto that lie has at no time planted any part thereof to trees, tree seeds, cuttings, shrubs or siirubbery, and that no one lias done so for him. or in Ills behalf that he has had no part thereof cultivated or prepared for the planting of trees, tree cuttings, shrubs or shrubbery that no part thereof has been so planted, except about five acres planted to trees long prior to the making of said entry that the trees so planted have never been cultivated or cared for by, or in half of said William B. Thomas, and that he has left the state of North Dakota the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the ottlce of Orinsby Mcllarg, a notary public, commissioner herein, at Jamestown, N. at his oflice on April -ttli.

1898, at ten o'clock a. to respond and give and furnish testimony cerning said alleged failure the hearing upon which testimony so taken will be held at this oflice on April 7th, 1898, at ten o'clock a. m. A. K.SUNDKRHAUK.

Kegister. John Knauf, Attorney for Contestant, town, N. I). First I'ub. Feb.

24, 1898. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Fargo, N. I Feb. 15th, 1898.

Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed noticed of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before Knauf, county Judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at his office in Jamestown, N. on April 2nd, 1898, vU: HARRIET A. FAIR, for H. E. No.

18973 for the NeX of Section 21, in Township 143 Range 65 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: John Kiden of Kensal, N. Lemuel J. man, Andrew Fosberg, Charlie Fosberg of gree, N. D.

A. E. SUNDF.BHAUF. Register. First Pub.

Feb- 17, 1898. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Fargo, N. D. I Feb.

21, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to matte llnal proof in support of his claim and tbat said proof will be made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at his office in Jamestowu. N. on April 2nd, 1898, viz: WARREN BIRKS. for H.

E. No. 19243 for the E'-i of and lot 1 of section 30, in township 141, range 63 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, James Bowman. Earl Birks, Louis Bowman, Lucius Wright, all of Jamestown, N.

P. O. A. E. SUXDERHAUF, Register.

First ub. Feb. 24,1898. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Fargo, N.

I March 7th, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim and that said proof will be made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at his office in Jamestown, N. on April 16th, 1898, viz: HIRAM W. COWAN, for H. E.

No. 19650 for the of section 4, in township 139 range 66 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Harry Clothier of Windsor, N. Walter W.

Ford of Eldridge, N. D-. William H. Downs of N. Fred Lvseriug of Windsor, N.

D. A. E. SO'DEKHAUF. Register.

First I'ub. March It', 1898. NOTICE OF CONTEST. United States Land Office, (. N.

March 5th, 1898. Complaint having been entered at this office bv Jules Wery against Fannie M. Merrill for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No. 11885, dated July 18th, 1887, upon the of section 22. township 137, north of range 63, west of 5th P.

in Stutsman county. North Dakota, with a view to the cancellation of the said entry contestant alleging that tiie said Fannie M. Merrill has at no time since making said entry, cultivated, plowed, or broken any part of said tract and that no one has done so for her that she lias planted no part of soil to trees, tree seeds, cuttings, shrubs or shrubbery, and that no one has done so for her that the same has been whollv abandoned for several vears that claimant not a resident of the "state of North Dakota, and has not been for several years last past tile said parties are here'oy summoned to appear at the office of Onnsbv Mcllarg. a I'otarv public and sioner Iierein, at his office in Jamestown. X.

on April 16th, 1S9S. at 10 o'clock a. to respond and give testimony concerning saiil alleged abandonment, and the taking of such testimony will be continued from day to day till wholly finished the hearing upon which evidence, so taken will be held -it this office on April20th, 1898, at 10 a. m. of that day.

A. E. SUXDEltHAl'F, Register. John Knauf, Attorney for Contestant, Jamestown, X. D.

First Pub. March 10,1895. NOTICE OF CONTEST. United States hand Office, t. Fargo, N.

D. March 7th, 1898. Complaint having been entered at this office by Pette Neva against. Charlie Smith for ing his Homestead Entry No. 22436, dated on July 23rd, 1897, upon the Ej of Seli and Swk of and Sel.t of SwKj of section 4, in township 143, range 63 W.

of 5th P. in Stutsman countv. North Dakota, plaintiff alleging that said Charlie Smith bts wholly abandoned said tract that hi lias changed his residence from lor more than six month since makiug said entry that said tract bas not been settled upon or cultivated by said claimant as required by law: that lie has at no time since making said entry lived thereon, slept thereon or resided thereon that he is not now, and for more than six mouths last past, has not been a resident of Stutsman county, N. nor i'f North Dakota that he lias never resided on said tract that he lias never cultivated any part thereof this plaint being made with a view to the cancellation or said entry: the said parties are hereby moned to appear at the office of Oiinsby McHarg, notary public, and commissioner herein at Jamestown. N.

to respond and give mony concerning said alleged failure and abandonment, on April lfitii. ISMS, at 10 o'clock a. that day: the hearing upon which dence so taken will be held at this office on April 20th, 1898. at 10 o'clock a. in.

of that day. A. SUNPKRHAl'K, Kegister. John Knauf, Attorney for Contestant, town, N. 1.

First Pub. March NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Fartto, N. 1 March 14th. 1S98.

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias flleil notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim and that said proof will be made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county. North Dakota, at his office in Jamestown, N. on April 23rd. 1898, viz: JOHN B. LONSKI, for H.

E. No. 81339 for the and of and of of section 80 in township 142 range 68 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol, said land, viz: Joseph Lonskl, Victor Lnnski, John Keiser, Augist Woycekowski all of Jamestown, N. A. E.

SUNDKRHAUF, Register. First Pub. March 17,1898. NOTICE OF CONTEST. an Fargo, N.

March 4th, 1898. 1 Complaint having been entered at this office by Hiram H. Kelluin against Charles T. Burgess for abandoning his homestead entry No. 22815, dated May 26th, 1897, upon the southeast quarter of section 20, Twp.

144, N. range 65, west of 5th P. in Stutsman county, North Dakota, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, ant alleging that said Charles T. Burgess, at no time built a house, barn, granary, stable or other buildings on said premises, ana that no one has ever doiie so for him that no breaking or vation has been done on said premises by said Burgess, since said entry was made, and by no one for him thai no breaking or cultivation has ever been made thereon iu behalf of said entry that claimant has ever sine-i making said entry wholly abandoned said tract: that lie lias not been a resident of North Dakota nor a resident upon said tract for a period of more than six months last past that lie has not at any time slept upon, or resided uuon said tract. The said parties are hereby summoned and required to appear at the oflice of Ormsby Mcllarg, a notary public, and appointed commissioner, herein, at his office iu Jamestown, N.

over the James River National bank, on the 10tii day of April, 1898, at ten o'clock a to respond and rurnish testimony concerning said alleged ment, such hearing to be continued from day to day till same is finished, the hearing on which evidence so taken will be held at this office on April 20th, 1898, at ten o'clock a of that day. A. E. Register. John Knauf, Attorney for Contestant, town, N.

D. First Pub. March 10,1898. FORECLOSURE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that that certain gage, executed and delivered by Ole S.

Moler, mortgagor, to Charlotte 1). I)ePuy. dated the 26th day of October, A. D. 1886, and filed for record in tbe office of the register of deeds of the countv of St utsman and state of North Dakota on tlie 26th day of October, 1886, and recorded in book "G'r of mortgage deeds on page 215, and now in the possession of R.

G. DePuy, as administrator of the estate of lotte I will be foreclosed by the said R. G. DePuy, as administrator, bv a sale of the premises in such mortgage, and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in tlie coutitv of Stutsman and state of North Dakota, at tlie hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 9tli day of 1898, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will lie sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: Tne west onehalf of the east half of section 2 In township 141.

north of range '61, west of the Fifth principal meridian, Stutsman conmy. North Dakota. There will be due on sucli mortgage at the date of sale tlie sum of which sum includes princ'pal ami interest md ta.M-s and an ney fee of $75 provided for in tlie mortgage. G. DePuy.

As administrator of the estate of Charlotte D. DePuy, deceased. Ormsby McHarg, attorney for administrator. First Pub. Feb.

24,1898. SUMMONS. State of North Dakota, County ol Stutsman, In District Court, Fifth Judicial District. Robert A. Kirk and Henry B.

Allen, co-partners trading and doing business as Kirk and Allen, Plaintiffs. I vs. Summons. Ernest E. Martin, Emma J.

Martin, and Z. S. Martin. Defendants, Tbe State of North Dakota to the above named Defendants: You each of you are hereby summoned to answer the complaint iu this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this mons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the rilief demanded in the complaint. Dated at Jamestown, North Dakota, this 20th day of January, A.

D. 1898. Kirk Allex, Plaintiffs, P. O. Address, Jamestown, N.

Dak. To Ernest E. Martin. Emma J. Martin, and Z.

S. Martin, the above named defendants: You will please take notice that the complaint in this action has been filed with the clerk of the district court, at his office iu Jamestown, in Stutsman county, North Dakota. Dated at Jamestown, N. this 20tli day of January, A. I).

1898. Kirk Allen, Plaintiffs. First Pub. March 17, 1898. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE BY ADVERTIsem*nT.

Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by James W. McCreary, unmarried, mortgagor, to Hiram D. Upton, mortgagee, dated the 22nd day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-six and filed for record in tlie office of the register of deeds of tlie county of Stutsman, and territory of Dakota, now state of North Dakota, on the 28th day of June, A D.

1S8B, o'clock p. in. and recorded inbook of mortgages, at pages 127 and 128 and assigned by said mortgagee bv an instrument in writing to Alfred T. Batchefder. dated the first day of D.

1894, and filed for record in said office of the register of deeds on the second day of February, A. D. 1898. and recorded book of gages. on page 457.

will be foreclosed by a ile of the premises In such mortgage and inafter described, at the frontdoor of the court house in the city of Jamestown, in tlie county of Stutsman, and State of Xortli Dakota, at the hour ol two o'clock p. on the ninth day of April, A. 1). 1898. to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage, on the day of sale, gether with the costs and disbursem*nts in these foreclosure proceedings and the further sum of attorney's fees as allowed by law.

The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated iu the county of Stutsman and state of North Dakota, and scribed as follows, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section numbered twenty-two (22) in township bered one hundred forty-four (14-1) north of range numbered sixty-six (66) west of tlie Fifth principal meridian. There will be due upon such mortgage at the date of sale, the sum of Six hundred fourteen and 71100 dollars, exclusive of the costs and disbursem*nts and attorney's fees allowed by law. Dated at Fargo. North Dakota, this 19th day of February, A. 1898.

Alfred T. Batchelder. Assignee of Mortgagee. W.A.Scott. Attorney for Assignee of gagee, Fargo.

North Dakota. First Pub. Feb. 24,1898. TO HORsem*n PKFNCE WILKES Is now located at second house east of Asylum Bridge, just east, of Fair Grounds.

Prince is a grandson of the mighty Geo Wilkes on his sire's 3ide and a graudsnn of the great HambletoniaD 10 on his diim's side. See me or write for particulars. Yoars truly, WM. BLACKHURST Northwestern Grown SEEDS and TREES Catalogue for 1S98 mailed free taining information about tbe Earliest and Best Vegetables, the Hardiest Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, earliest Field and Sweet Corn, Cottonwood, Box Elder Ash and Willow Trees. OSCAK H.

WILL CO Bismarck, N. D. JAMESTOWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. All kinds of help furnished on reasonable notice. Call or write.

C. W. DARLING, Jamestown, N. D..

Jamestown Weekly Alert from Jamestown, North Dakota (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.