The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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Sunday June 29 1980 Duplicate Bridge While most area bridge clubs will be dark this week there will be no lack of duplicate competition with six days of bridge scheduled for the Dis trict 5 Regional tournament in the new Buffalo Hilton Tournament play opens Tues day with Master Pairs for players with over 50 master points and non master pairs for those with fewer than 50 points There will be two sessions in each category at 2 and 8 pm The tournament continues through next Sunday QUARTERLY CLUB tourna ment at Barrett Bridge Club Wednesday evening won by Joyce Wade and John Sinclair with a 687 jtercent game Peter Mollemet and Jim Streisand had a 615 percent game A TEAM of Charlene McGrath Marguerite Hurtu bise Pat Burns and Judy ischer won the Monday evening Swiss Team match at the Eldredge Bridge Club with 2 wins out of 3 INTERMEDIATE SWISS Team match at Barrett Bridge Club Sunday night won by Pat Easton Marsha Echols John and Lorraine Nietopski with 57 of 80 possible victory points DUPLICATE SCORES Aurora Bridge Club Tuesday evening North south Al Street man and John icgl 1705 east west Arliss Lovallo and Phyllis Tabares 200 possible 312 Barrett Thursday morning North south Helen Marcussen and Margaret Dutton 95 east west Chris Urbanek and Sue Neubeck er 110 possible 168 Barrett Thursday evening nov ice North south Anne Bartels and Cy Thomas 1025 east west Roger Abell and Adam Dzimian 1035 possible 168 Barrett riday evening North south Maryellen Mulhern and Rick Waugh 189 possible 300 east west John Sinclair and Joyce Wade 1675 possible 270 Barrett Saturday afternoon North south Mark Pascale and John Sinclair 126 east west Jean errari and Allene issler 120 possible 216 Bufffalo Whist Club Monday night North south Ceil Kennedy Events for Handicapped EVENTS OR THE HANDICAP PED Compiled by SPECIAL HELP OR SPECIAL CHILDREN INC or Information and Referral call 838 6455 Ongoing The Association for Retarded Children and the Buffalo Parks and Recreation Department have developed a six weck daily struc tured summer program offering swimming physical education music drama arts and crafts na ture special events and field trips to any moderate or severely re tarded child age 8 15 who is ambu latory and resides within the city of Buffalo The program site is Houghton Park and House 1 Community Center located on Clinton and Gorski streets ree bus service to and from the program will be pro vided with pick up between 7:45 a and 8:45 a return by 4 00 pm or application forms con tact the Association for Retarded Children 833 3350 THE UNITED ZCerebral Palsy Association will be sponsoring an eight week summer program for infants preschool children and school age children with develop mental disabilities Tuesday through Aug 22 The program will include educational and therapeu tic services and will be held at Grover Cleveland School in Cheek towaga or more information contact the United Cerebral Palsy Association Education Office at 877 7112 THE WESTERN New York chap ter of the National Society for Autistic Children will sponsor an eight week therapeutic and recre ational summer program open to children of all ages with autistic tendencies or location and more information contact 836 7825 THE BLIND Association of West ern New York does a "blind simu lation" exercise a participation workshop for students of elemen tary through high school levels The exercise includes manual communication daily living and mobility skills and is done to help students get acquainted with visu al impairments or more infor mation contact the Blind Associa tion at 882 1025 Ext 44 THE EPILEPSY Association of Western New York Inc is present ly providing a one hour workshop for faculty students and interest ed community groups Each work shop includes a lecture on social and educational problems of epilepsy a 25 minute film depict ing various types of seizures and the distribution of printed materi als Contact 883 5396 for additional information 856 5555 The Buffalo News or News Want Ads 856 5555 5 LEGAL NOTICE Notion Is hereby given that beer li cense number 4XA12156 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under the Alcoholic Beverage Control law at 3248 Sheridan Dr Eggertsville Erie Co New York for off premises consumption AY'S DRUG CO INC 7245 Henry Clay Blvd Liverpool New York BETTER MAC DEALE fOR 55 YEARS um OR CHEVROLETS 2300 DELAWARE AVE (near Hertel) BUALO NY 875 9319 4 YOU BUY Be Sure to Try and Dick Siggelkow 189 5 east west Bernice Baker and Ida ree man 1795 possible 312 Continental Wednesday after noon North south Betty ude man and Laura Bylebyl 86 possi ble 144 east west Rose Salem and Chris Tellner 96 possible 168 Continental Thursday afternoon North south Jim Easton and Dick Rasmus 1435 east west Shirley Griffith and Max Mingal 124 possible 216 Delaware Wednesday night North south Mrs Ray Hanna and Mrs TJ Renshaw Jr 108 east west tie Mary allis and Jeanne Davis Edgar Vinacke and Don Brenner 96 possible 168 Eldredge riday morning North south Judy Marshall and Louise Mink 93 east west An drew Szolnoky and Maryellen Mul hern 105 possible 168 Eldredge Sunday afternoon North south Reba Kanner and Trudy Manaher 132 east west Charles Schorr and Alan Greer 1385 possible 216 Eldredge Monday morning Howell Dorothy Sweeney and Louise Mink 555 Bud Klein and Sam Perlmutter 545 possible 96 Eldredge Tuesday morning Howell Rose Huber and Reba Kanner 30 Pauline Thomas and Maryellen Mulhern 295 possible 50 Eldredge Wednesday morning North south Andrew Szolnoky and Ray Blake 106 east west Marie O'Shei and Helen Kerr 89 possi ble 168 itzgerald's Sheridan Lanes riday night North soulh Mr and Mrs Ray Hanna 73 east west Mr and Mrs Paul Libby 715 possible 144 Gibson Tuesday afternoon North south Sally Mulvey and Bob Cruser 915 cast west Ray Hanna and John Pierce 1085 possible 168 Ken Del Thursday night How ell Ralph Schupp and Rick Kas prowicz 67 Andrew Holt and Steve Goodwin 635 possible 135 Regency Thursday evening North south Keyla Lawton and Vai Chodorow 1535 east west Claire Chodorow and Edgar Vi nacke 177 possible 264 Sudden Infant Death Is Topic of Seminar NIAGARA ALLS Sudden infant death syndrome and asthma will be among topics discussed at a pediatric lung disease symposium July 10 ami 11 at the International Conven tion Center It will he sponsored by the departments of pediatrics at the State University of Buffalo Children's Hospital of Buffalo and the American Lung Associ ation of New York State Mr and Mrs rank Macirjewski Sr A' A Couple Marks 60th Anniversary Mr and Mrs rank Macie jewski Sr of Buffalo are cele brating their 60th wedding anni versary today at home Mr Maciejewski is retired He and the former Martha Smigiera were married June 29 1920 in Buffalo They have a son three daughters nine grandchildren and 13 great gram Ichildren New Cinema Is Geared To amilies A new movie house the Cen tral Park Cinema Is scheduled to begin oeration on Wednes day with a film programming policy aimed at the family audience Proprietor Trudy Koch who also operates the Towne Theat er in Lackawanna says the new theater is in the building formerly housing the Village Cinema which featured ratod" films Ms Koch states that the building along with the booking policy has been entirely reno vated The theater in the Cen tral Park Plaza will open at 2:15 pm Wednesday with a run of starring Sissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones Golf Outing Tomorrow The Variety Club of Buffalo will hold its annual golf outing tomorrow at the Ransom Oaks Golf Club Williamsville with golfers teeing off between 11 am and 1 pm A dinner will follow at 7 pm Retardation Unit's Staffing Still Low Legislators Say By PAULA VOELL Sixteen state legislators from Western New York have written the state's mental retardation commissioner to complain that nothing has been done to im prove staffing levels at the West Seneca Developmental Center currently the lowest in the state despite his promises of help The bipartisan effort urges Commissioner James Introne of the Office of Mental Retarda tion and Developmental Disabil ities to correct seriously defi cient staffing The battle to bring the ratio up to levels comparable to ol her state facilities started in December when Dr Louis Huzella director of the center requested more staff With a staff patient ratio of 13 to 1 West Seneca is the lowest staff ed and lowest funded of the state's 20 facilities for the men tally retarded The Monroe Developmental Center in Rochester has a staff ing ratio of approximately 194 and the OD Heck Developmen tal Center near Albany has a ratio of 21 according to Toni Parisi president of the Board of Visitors at West Seneca BUT not facts and fig ures that concern center offi cials as much as the drastic cutbacks in care service and education that have taken place high time our staffing is brought up to par" Dr Huzella said situation has defi nitely Dr Huzella said that trips to the community adult education and community placement pro grams have been affected ad versely because of inadequate staffing Legislators met with Com missioner Introne in a series of meetings in early ebruary as the lawmakers noted in their letter and were assured of sub stantial staff relief "Although you have repeated your interest and concern re garding this situation the fact remains that West Seneca is not better off than it was when their board first called on us for assistance in January" the letter states STATE SEN Raymond Gallagher Lackawanna said he felt the legislators had given Commissioner Introne enough time to resolve the problem know he has concern with other residences in the he said the bottom line is we don't have the same ratio as other state facilities" Assemblyman Stephen Greco Buffalo said he hopes Quicker State Tax Refunds Sought in Schimminger Bill Assemblyman Robin Schimminger Town of Tona wanda announced Saturday he will sponsor legislation that would bar the state from hold ing "hostage" millions of dol lars in taxpayer refunds The bill also would force the state to pay attorney's fees and court costs when taxpayer ruled deficient in payments takes his case to court and wins Mr Schimminger's "Taxpay er Bill of would ensure that state tax refunds are paid within a month after the receipt of tax returns Under cunent law the state has 90 days to issue refunds be fore it has to pay interest Mr Schimminger said the state this year held about $106 million in tax refunds "This yearly stunt amounts to an interest free loan from those taxpayers who file re turns close to the April 15 dead line" he asserted the letter sends a clear signal to Commissioner Introne and Governor Carey have been patient in watching this issue over the last legislative session" Mr Greco said "Now is the time for the governor and the com missioner to act" he said Two preplaccment units units to help clients learn to live in the community have closed since January according to Mrs Parisi dealing with safety she said "It's safer to have residents to gether in a larger area when the staff is spread this thin "It's becoming a luxury to keep the preplacement units open like saying having bread and water is a our Receive Nursing Awards our of the 32 graduates of the Edna Dyett School of Practical Nursing at Millard illmore Hospital received awards at graduation in the Mary Seaton Room of Klein hans Music Hall Receiving awards were Lynn Morrison alumni award and board award Roberta itzsimmons Edna Dyett Award for excellence in clinical nursing Kathryn Wallace Joan Ginty Award for interest in community needs and Beverly Perry faculty award HteVe Got em! THE HOTTEST SELLING MID SIZE CAR in USA NEW 1980 CUTLASSES 1 35 to choose from Supreme A Brougham coupes LS A Brouahrim 4 doors Calais and Station wagon 6' A 8 A will out air condi tioning in a rainbow of kolor TOP DOlIAR fur TRADE INS Up To 48 Month financing TUNMORE OLDSMOBILE 2677 DELAWARE 8774500 LOW PRICES of DRIVE A LITTLE SAVE A LOT ALL MODELS AT YEAR END PRICES SWEENEY CHEVROLET 11234 MAIN CLARENCE 759 6826 NEWS WANT ADS GET RESULTS 856 5555 Lost ound ANYONE finding or losing a pet call Pet Patrol for free help (Bureau of Missing Pets) 834 6420 BEAGLE black tosi Paradise Rd area East Amherst reward 688 0658 CAT lost blackwhite male flea collar with bell Reward 884 5441 HUSKY Shepherd mixed male doo lost Kensington Bailey area chain choker collar if found please cal! 836 8318 KITTEN gray lost Linden Rugby white paws reward 876 2449 LOST white dog long hair medium size black mouth answers to Show ney Reward $50 83 Chippewa 856 3677 SHETLAND sheepdog misstng from Lincoln Pool area looks like minia ture colbe $20 reward 833 6391 ask for Dave WHITE EMALE cat blue eyes deaf lost lancasler Wakfen Sheldon area reward 684 7834 WHITE Persian cat lost Lisbon Park ndge area if found call 835 3958 WIRE OX Terrier male lost area of Nokomts Parkway Cheektowagaeds medication reward 632 3251 WHITE male cat lost Milton Dr Como Park Lancaster area 683 0793 $100 CASH REWARD for the return of a brown leather carry on suitcase and contents lost in vicinity Mam St Seneca Saturday June 21 843 4197 9 5 $100 REWARD for white male bull terrier losl west side 885 6459 Antiques ANTIQUE ability io buy 1 item or en tire estate leaded windows sterling silver Victoriana and Oriental rugs Eaton Galleries 882 7823 ANTIQUE ornate oan pool table with cue and ball racks 751 6296 ANTiQUES Anfiques bought sold ap praised estates liquidated Highest prices paid 655 0306 anytime ANTIQUES older furniture wanted Top price 823 1995 ANTIQUES older furniture wanted desxs dining rooms lamps I piece or estates we pay the most 832 0333 ANTIQUES WANTED Lesses 884 3776 eve 877 2308 Silver China jewelry elc BING Grondahl Chnslmas plate coi lection 1966 1979 $400 633 954 1 BOOKS AND old prints photos bought Old Editions Bookshop 23 Allen 885 6473 CLARENCE OPEN AIR LEA MARKET (indoor outdoor) SUN 8 5 Phone 634 9762 11077 Main St Rte 5 Clarence (Next to Clarence Auto Parts) DISPLAY advertisem*nt Auto Bus Truck Rental EMERALD Rubtes yeHow gold cluster ring Troiners 839 5453 OLDE ASHION LEA MARKET AND BAZAAR Open every Sat 10 am to 5 pm Every Sun 9 am to 5 pm MAIN AT TRANSIT CLARENCE MALL Next to Naum's Antiques new items and rare collectibles Something for everyone or space rental infor mation call 634 06 IS HEPPLEWHITE cherrv 6 teg drop leal table Tom Mileham Antiques 148 Elmwood MILITARY swords and guns bv ap pointment only 824 JS80 ORIENTAL able and willing to pay the highest price for your handmade Oriental rugs Call 759 2260 Kelly Schultz 10535 Mam St Clarence ORIENTAL RUGS buy sell restore by 770 Main 854 7541 ORIENTAL rugs best prices paid Shaams $456 Mam 634 1523 ORIENTAL RUGS lop prices Markar ian 3807 Delaware 873 8667 BUYING railroad Pullman keys locks lanierns china and tableware 634 4144 CHOICE collections of Nippon iusI in See window display 3 Buffalo St Hamburg COLLECTOR plates and Hummel figu rines reasonable 627 7215 ESTATE Auction ready today's Auc tion Column Anderson ESTATE AUCTION: Read today's auc tion column Anderson OUR OAK chairs cane bottoms cap tain's chair very ornate $400 542 2877 Antiques HIGHEST prices paid for Oriental rugs David Tiflickiian 852 0556 MEETING House Antiques Tues Sun 10 AM to 5 PM Appraisals A piece or an estate 941 3518 Boston NY MORE antiques at 4530 Sheridan Dr 10 lo 4 Sat and Sun WANTED: Watches furniture tewetry dolls guns old items estates 875 9465 WANTED: School Rings uo to $50 All Gold cash 893 0005 anytime Pickup Auctions AUCTION A every Wed and Sat night 7:30 PM al 2150 William St near Harlem If you have items you no longer need turn them to cash ree pickup on larger items or bringsuable items any Tuesday or riday mgni 730 9 30 PM We also auction partial or complete house holds Eor information call 693 6025 694 0250 ESTATE auction Tues July I 1t AM on premises 65 Densmore (off Ab bott Rd includes 10 Oriental rugs up to 9x12 ft and throw rugs grand mother's clock tables bookcases prints and pictures mirrors carved frame davenport lamps old barome ter fme marble too oval labte 7 piece dining room set 2 door book case desk wall shelves Victorian marble top buffet fine gingerbread clock commode bed chests and dressers chairs tots of china and glassware loots ladders lawn mowers and snow blower Bring your friends sale bv Mall Chuck and Bob Anderson Estate Specialists 836 2311 INE ESTATE Auction Thurs July 3 I PM 699 Hertel Ave in King's Plaza includes targe antique 10 piece dining room set also 10 piece walnut Slue! dining room set large antique rench mirror large Duncan Phvfe sofa round marble lop table Victorian chairs mirrors tables lamps stools 100 piece set sterling flafware candeiabras sugar and creamer lots of plaledware Roval Douhon figurines cu! glass lamp Cloisonne pieces stemware linens disnes stands lamps 3 and 4 piece bedroom sets (very nice) chests piciures upholstered furni ture much more furniture and glass ware loo much io mention Bring your friends Terms Cash Anderson Auctioneers 836 2311 PUBLIC AUCTION for Mr 4 Mrs CLARENCE BONTRAGER selling lhetr privaie collection ol coms clocks antiques and collectable items 30 miles East ol Buffalo NY 15 miles West of Batavia 1 miles South ot Stale Thruwav Interchange 48A on Rt 77 at the Darien Center ire Hal! wst North of Rt 20 Darien Center riday July 4 starting al 9:30 AM sharp Coins selling first at 9:30 AM one five and ten dollar gold pieces plus other collectors coms collection of 20 clocks including Ithaca Grandfather and calendar clocks marble top chests leaded chandeliers student lamps postal cards collection of railroad lanterns keys and locks several old guns plus a large amount of interesting items or auction fiver call 1 716 937 3323 Terms cash or good check with ID oui ol state buyers must have Travelers Checks or cash Bontragers Realty and Auction Service Auction eers 4 Sates Managers WILLISTON AUCTIONS estate antique specialists Household sales and ap praisals 652 2936 INE Estate Auction Wed July 2 11 AM 204 Woodbridge Buffalo in cludes bedroom and living room furniture bookcases and fine books assorted tables child's table and chair fine wall mirrors desks lamps color TV sets drop leaf table sofas 20 assorted paintings and pic tures wicker clock fireplace set tapestry 9 seis leather bound books 7 pieces of porch furniture 9 piece dining room set linen sterling can delabra 5 piece bedroom sei 4 piece maple bedroom sei king size bed iols of china stemware Hummels brassware set of Haviland China washer and dryer refrigerator much much more Bring a tnend Anderson Auctioneers 836 2311 I INE ESTATE auclion Mon June 30 I) AM Open 10 AM tor inspection Items moved to Masonic Temple 212 Cazenovia St and Seneca Antique furniture and glassware We will hsi some of the items worthwhile to at tend Oil paintings frames prims waler colors 1877 Currier Ives) 10 oil lamps old quilts large Victorian marble too table Quantify ot Depres sion glass mugs Pilchers glasses bowls platters iugs candlesticks low Blue pickle dish Jardimer pots quantity of early ironstone Li moges Cranberry rench and Ger men 10 piece tea service child's roll lop desk commode bamboo book stand old Chairs rockers wicker Victorian cherry pine Birds eve and oak furniture Musk cabinet what not shelf Quantity cotor glassware Mary Gregory Maiolka miniatures Staffordshire Japanese Chinese clocks Satsuma cooper brass enamelware Collector's plates and dishes carnival glass hand painted dishes satm glass cul glass baskets early chair ull set service for 12 Noritake china Service for 10 Stoke on Kent Empire chintz Bring your boxes and paper to wrap items Terms cash or good check Mall Chuck Anderson Estate Specialists 836 2311 NO Auctions riday night unlit further notice oss Auctions East Aurora 652 6040 Privaie sates Wed through Sat for furniture Autos or Sale BINT RiNT daily weeklymonthly CARS VANSTRUCKS BASIC $12adoy ICk a nwle Special weekend weekly monthly Rate MIDWAY ORD 1 SOI Kensington inea fggrrtl AMBASSADOR 1972 body good condi tion motor runs good automatic asking $725 689 8894 AMC 1973 Gremlin good condition $750 773 9399 after 5 PM AMC 1973 Hornet 6 automatic power steering $950 rontier Motors Inc 2565 Delaware corner Avery 874 3337 AMC 1975 Pacers (2) '74 Gremlin plus 50 compacts Henry Joseph 2618 Bai ley 896 7553 Autos or Sale AMC 1977 6 cylinder automatic power steering $1295 Broecker Motors 1917 Genesee Si 897 1797 EAGLE Brand new 1980 AMC 4 wheel drive Eagle 2 door snow white blue velour interior gas saving 6 cylinder automatic power steer ing power brakes white wall tires vinyl top rear window defogger much much more Our price includes freight han dling and wax slock No 358AM ULL PRICE S6976 RIENDSHIP Just 10 miles from downtown Buffalo 5646 Camp Rd Hamburg Thruway Exit 57 648 4700 AMC 1978 Concord DL 6 power air 17000 mites $3900 874 2385 AMERICAN MOTORS specials from one of the largest American Motors dealers "No I in sales" Sheridan American Motors 3900 Sheridan 839 3950 AMC CONCORDS Just a few days left to get a $200 REBATE on a brand new 1980 Concord We have (5) 2 doors (2) 4 doors and 2 wagons Buy one before July 5 and not only will you get our super low prices but you'll also set $200 back from AMC Here's just one example: 8354 AM dark blue with dark blue vinyl fop dark blue velour inferior economy 6 cylinder automatic power steering rear window defogger white wall tires body side molding pin striping individual front seats wax freight and handling List Price 5620 our Super Rebate Prce $5700 This includes rebate deduction RIENDSHIP Just 10 miles from downtown Buffalo 5646 Camp Rd Hamburg Thruway Exit 57 648 4700 APOLLO 1974 neal '75 Skylark sharp $2100 '73 Century 23000 miles Henrv Joseph 2618 Bailey 896 7553 BUICK Cadillac see rank Delia East Aurora 652 2600 BUICK 1967 small 8 16 19 mpg excei lenl many extras 873 5825 BUICK 1971 Skylark power steering brakes front mags snow tires used I winter $500 or offer 681 1465 78 BUICK LeSabre 2 door Deep burgundy full power air AM radio economy full warran ty only $3995 PAUL BATT BUICK 1717 Walden Cheek 891 5595 BUICK 1975 Skvhawk 6 4 speed power steering brakes some surface rust $2000 692 0238 6:30 8 PM only BUICK 196 LeSabre power windows air excellent 22000 miles $3500 881 3913 BUICK 1976 Riviera loaded excellent condition $1950 683 3166 1980 BUICK ELECTRA PARK AVENUE 2 DR COUPE Company official car full power equipment air conditioning all of Buick's finest accessories Beautiful black finish with red leather interior Original list $14200 SAVE OVER $3000 ull New Car Warrenty "Buffalo's Oldest Buick Dealer" BARTLETT BUICK 3080 Main St 836 1000 BUICK 1977 Regal Landau 27000 mites stereo tape chrome wheels super sharp attractively priced Keyser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 BUICK 1977 Regal 8 cylinder automat ic power steering power brakes radio 1 roof green with a white vinyl roof only $4295 Gillogly Chevrolet 1777 Union Rd Wesl Seneca 674 5000 BUICK 1977 Riviera full power best offer 837 8194 BUICK 1978 Regal 2 door green green 2 tone air conditioned tinted glass dual sport mirrors AM stereo electric rear window defogger body side moldings wheelcovers radialwhite sidewalls $4950 Tunmore Olds mobile Inc Olds dealer that service built" 2677 Delaware Ave 877 1503 Autos or Sale BUICK 1972 Electra hardtop loaded 3 speed automatic lorida car body and mechanically excellent full re ceipts luxurious and dependable $1200 or best offer 835 3626 BUICK 1979 Riviera stereo tape climaie conirol twin comfort seating wire wheel discs showroom condi tion Attractively priced Keyser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 BUICK 1979 Riviera loaded 6000 mites to settle estate 947 5405 BUICK 1980 Century wagon 6 cylinder 4600 miles air conditioning power steering and brakes more best offer over $7000 649 3066 CADILLAC SEVILLES These are Cadillac's internation al size luxury cars 3 to choose from (2) 1978's (1) 1976 uel injection leather seating vinyl roofs 1 with astro sun roof till wheel stereo cruise controls factory air many more of Cadil lac's finest assists Think Tinney! 2421 Main St 833'5853 CADILLAC coupe deVille deElegance 1978 loaded like new privaie owner 835 7030 8 AM 4 30 PM after 6 689 8738 CADILLACS at Tinney only the best 2421 Main St 833 5853 CADILLACS by Kevser the luxury car specialists Keyser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 'll CADILLACS 4 to choose from! Coupes and sedans most popular colors fully power low mileage one owner cars must be seen to be appreciated Think Tinney! 2421 Main St 833 5853 CADILLACS 1974s '75s '76s coupes superior lorida cars like new priced to sell Gradt Motors 896 3350 CADILLAC 1969 good condition $600 or best offer 825 3839 CADILLAC 1973 every option low mileage runs good needs a little work $1100 773 1204 CADILLAC 1975 Coupe 41000 one owner miles power and luxury equipped showroom condition Key ser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1977 Coupe deVille stereo lilt wheel cruise control learner sealing wire discs super nice Key ser Cadillac 4)30 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1977 Eldorado black red inferior astral roof aluminum wheels new fires all options $5295 826 8424 CADILLAC 1977 Eldorado couoe 26000 caretui miles stereo tape leather sealing super equipped showroom condition Kevser Cadillac 4130 Sheri dan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1977 Sedan deVille stereo tape leather seating low mileage showroom condition Kevser Cadillac 4)30 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1978 Coupe de Ville power and luxury equipped leather seating sold and serviced bv Kevser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1978 Eldorado Custom Clas sic Biarritz commemorative model a rare collector showroom condition Kevser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CADILLAC 1978 leetwood Brougham 21000 careful miles sfereo taoeCB super equipped showroom condition Choice of 2 Kevser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4)00 CADILLAC 1978 Sedan deVille 246oo" one owner mites twin comfort leather seating stereo tape premium tires super equipped showroom condition Choice of 2 Keyser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4)00 CADILLAC 1980 Sevilles 900 miles dis played on our showroom floor Choice ol 3 one with sunroot attractively priced Kevser Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 4100 CAMARO 228 1978 loaded must sell $5000 894 4602 CAMARO 1967 coupe 13000 miles 6 cylinder automatic power steering factory air excellent condition days 886 9292 after 7 PM 695 3598 CAMARO 1968 $250 firm needs work Cat! 892 7929 8 AM 10 AM CAMARO 1971 small 8 runs excellent back of body rust $275 or best offer 836 1951 CAMARO 1971 3 speed small 8 good mpg $590 835 7282 CAMARO 1974 350 automatic power steering brakes tach radio $1500 or best offer 693 3)86 If no answer 8J5 2992 CAMARO 1975 silver with black vinyl roof automatic rear spoiler low mileage very good condition $2900 773 5244 CAMARO 1976 305 automatic excel lent $3200 685 2892 CAMARO 1978 '75 Monte Carlo per fect Novas '77 '74 (6) '76 Malibu 22000 miles '74 impaia a buv! Henry Joseph 2618 Baiiev 896 7553 CAMARO 199 Z28 root air stereo excellent condition 632 7209 CHARGER 1976 Sport 2 door hardtop automatic power steering red with white loo bucket seats real puff1" a Gibson Bob Gibson Dodge Inc 10885 Main Si Clarence NY 759 6992 Autos or Sale CHEVELLE Malbibu classic 1977 21 000 miles very good condition $2900 Call after 4 PM 895 3840 CHEVELLES 1976 1977 2 doors and 4 doors 6 cylinders some with air an perfect condition! Inspected and guar anteed Southern Cars 674 2800 CHEVELLE 1971 new paint brakes 8 tires $700 or best offer 885 3004 CHEVELLE 1972 excellent condition new tires rims and more 674 0562 CHEVELLE 1972 SS 354 speed post extras $1100 894 0527 CHEVELLE 1973 454 4 speed many extras 877 3533 after 1 PM CHEVELLE 1973 $899 Public Auto 2729 Broadway 893 2990 CHEVELLE 1976 4 door automatic power steering excellent condition $2300 684 2534 11000 MILES! 'll CHEVETTE 2 door hatchback coupe a real gas saver like new thoughout Must be seen Think Tinney! 2421 Main St 833 5853 CHEVETTE 1976 Hatchback 4 speed 37000 miles $2350 662 1624 CHEVETTE 1978 1 owner 2 door 4 speed a Gibson" Bob Gibson Dodge tnc 10835 Mam St Clarence 759 6992 CHEVETTE 1978 2 door standard rust proofed $3300 best offer 875 7816 825 2826 CHEVETTE 1979 2 door hatchback brown 4 cylinder 4 speed buckets AM radio electric rear window de froster white sidewall tires wheel covers only 12000 miles $4025 Tun more Oldsmobile Inc the Olds dealer that service built 2677 Delaware Ave 877 1503 CHEVETTE 1979 4 speed 15000 mites wife's car With snowiires $4250 675 5292 CHEVETTE 1979 4 speed must sell $4350 826 1013 675 0666 76 CHEVROLET MALIBU CLASSIC automatic radio heater power steering power brakes low mileage $2695 MARONG CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 3599 Southwestern Blvd 662 4407 CHEVROLET Buick see rantz Chevrolet Buick Gowanda 337 0225 CHEVROLET Citation 1980 4 door 4 speed air stereo fully equipped like new 694 1085 CHEVROLET Glen Campbell is now open tor business in brand new larg er facility 8040 Transit Rd near Maple 632 5)10 74 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door Aqua blue power steering power brakes AM radio excel lent tires 38000 miles! Only $1295 PAUL BATT BUICK 1717 Walden Cheek 891 5595 CHEVROLET Impaia 1973 4 door good condition $995 876 7751 CHEVROLET Keller Chevrolet for your best deal 3600 Genesee St at Union 633 5000 CHEVROLET new 1980 cars and trucks ail al vear end close out prices Buy now white selection is good! Sweeney Chevrolet 11234 Mam Rd Clarence 759 6826 1974 CHEVY NOVA 4 door automatic power steering 6 cylinder 29000 origi nal miles excellent! Only $2195 PAUL BATT BUICK 1717 Walden Cheek 891 5595 CHEVROLETS new and used over 200 in stock! Serving WNY for 36 years Emerling Chevrolet Rte 219 Boston NY 941 5255 CHEVROLET 1970 Impla ate 95000 mites needs work $100 835 5631 CHEVROLET 1971 Caprice 4 door hardtop 8 automatic good condition 649 0004 Autos or Sale CHEVROLET 197) Vega GT wagon excellent condition must sell 873 5825 CHEVROLET 1972 Impala new tires battery transmission and exhaust system $500best offer 839 2408 CHEVROLET 1972 Impaia 46900 mi regular gas $650 648 4426 CHEVROLET 1974 Camaro 2 door buckets automatic power steering power brakes radio vinyl roof con sole only $2295 airway Dodge Sales tnc 395 Buffalo SI Hamburg 649 6200 CHEVROLET 1974 Impaia good trans portation car steel belled radials 834 1786 CHEVROLET 1974 Nova 6 cylinder automatic good condition 46000 miles $2100 or best offer 675 6332 4 Cylinder CITATIONS! 18 to choose from in stock for immediate delivery! 4 speeds ir automatics WEIL KOENIG CHEVROLET 1135 Millersport Hwy at Youngmann Expressway 837 7600 CHEVROLET 1975 Impaia 4 door tan with brown vinyl roof air condition ing tinted glass automatic pgwer steering power brakes AM radio wheelcovers whilewalls tust 40000 miles drive il away for only $2295 Tunmore Oldsmobile Inc Olds dealer that service built" 2677 Oeta ware Ave 877 1503 CHEVROLET 1975 Monza 5 speed good condition excellent gas mileage 873 6663 CHEVROLET 1976 Caprice air power 649 6249 weekdavs CHEVROLET 1976 Camaro 2 door polar white red vinyl roof automat ic power steering power brakes bucket seats automatic console AM radio rear defogger sport mirrors wheelcovers brand new white sidewalls showroom new $3795 Tunmore Oldsmobile Inc Olds dealer that service built" 2677 Delaware Ave 877 1503 CHEVROLET 1977 Monza 35000 miles 4 cylinder 4 speed $2500 firm 828 1428 CHEVROLET 1977 4 door 8 cylinder air all electric 23000 miles excellent condition $3800 835 0901 CHEVROLET 1979 Chevette 4 cylinder 4 speed excellent gas mileage 8000 miles! Emerling Chevrolet Inc Rte 219 Boston NY 941 5255 only 22 minutes from downtown Buffalo 77 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 DR loaded with equipment! $4495 SHERIDAN CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 3485 Sheridan Dr 839 4500 CHRYSLER Cordoba 1977 air condi tioned power good condition sacri fice $2100 688 6132 836 1920 79 CHRYSLER LeBARON 2 DOOR 6 cylinder automatic power steering power brakes AM radio priced at only $5395 SHERIDAN CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 3485 Sheridan Dr 839 4500 CHRYSLERS all models al Sheridan Chrysler Plymouth Inc 3845 Sheridan Dr phone 839 4500 'll CHRYSLER Cordoba 2 door Green full power atr condition ing AM radio 31000 miles full warranty only $3395 PAUL BATT BUICK 1717 Walden Cheek 891 5595 CHRYSLERS Plymouths or vour best buv see Schmitt's Garage tnc 5255 Genesee St Bowmansville 683 3343 Autos or Sale CHRYSLER 1973 Newport 4 door 8 cylinder air good shape 35000 miles $600 873 1055 CHRYSLER 1975 Coronet very good condition on lots $1600 lo $2800 Look and make offer 693 3557 CHRYSLER 1976 Cordoba new tires good condition $1150 683 5329 CHRYSLER 1977 Cordoba excellent condition 684 9225 684 6436 75 COMET 2 door Deep rich brown automatic power steering and brakes 6 cylinder only 28000 original miles must be seen at only $2595 PAUL BATT BUICK 1717 Walden Cheek 891 5595 COMT 1976 35000 miles like new $2650 838 4864 LEASE SPECIAL! 79 COUGAR XR 7 Landau roof cruise con trol power windows power seats decor group air condition ino tilt wheel AM stereo with tape tinted glass rear de froster 10000 miles! Original cost $9358 now only $5995 CALL JIM BATES AT 649 8800 AIRWAY LEASING INC 358 Buffalo St Hamburg CUTLASS Supreme 1973 power steer ing'brakes small V8 very good condition $1400 or best offer 632 7333 CUTLASS 1975 Supreme power steer ing and brakes Landau roof excel lent condition $1950 649 2507 CUTLASS 1977 small 8 automatic power steering power brakes excel lent condition Southern Cars 674 2800 CUTLASS 1978 Supreme 2 door silver silver half vinyl roof air conditioned tinted glass automatic power steer ing power brakes sport mirrors electric rear defroster pm stripes lilt wheel AM radio wheelcovers radial white sidewalls $5195 Tunmore Olds mobile Inc Olds dealer that service built" 2677 Delaware Ave 877 1S03 DARTS '73 '75 3 puffs Duster '75 '76 '77 Aspen coupes Henry Joseph 2618 Bailey 896 7553 DART 1973 automatic 6 cylinder power sleermg 60000 mites excellent car $1000 683 3166 DODGE STOP AT Little Detroit Tran silowne Dodge select from the larg est inventory of new and used cars al the lowest prices WNY 7408 Transit Rd 634 8000 DODGE 1971 Monaco 8 cylinder auto matic power steering fair condition Runs welt $250 837 7692 DODGi 1972 mechanically sound body rough best offer takes il 826 6922 DODGf 1973 Potara air needs tune up and tires interior and bodv excellent very dependable Musi sell Already have new car $400 or any reasona bie offer 873 0390 after 4 30 DODGE 1975 Charger SE excellent $1650 773 2565 DODGE 1975 Dart SE factory air AM excellent condition reasona ble offer 876 3345 DODGE 1978 Aspen RT loaded excel lent shape 10000 mites never driven in winter months $4095 893 1202 DODGE 1978 Omni 4 door 4 cylinder front wheel drive Hatchback rust proofed low low mileage only $4495 airway Dodge Sates Inc 395 Buffalo SI Hamburg NY 649 6200 DODGE 1979 Omni hatchback 2 Plus 2 4 cylinder automatic AM radio Emerling Chevrolet Inc Rte 219 Boston NY 941 5255 only 22 minutes from downtown Buffalo DUSTER 1974 6 cylinder good condi tion $850 674 4441 ELITE 1976 automatic power steering brakes air conditioning AM stereo radial fires red black vinyl roof 43000 miles $2300 873 0416 IREBIRD 1976 ormula ate condition ed automatic power sleermg brakes $3090 833 3109 eves IREBIRD 1976 ormula 38000 miles must sell $2350 886 1219 IREBIRD 1977 8 automatic power steering 'brakes cruise control AM rally wheels $3300 or best offer 895 1951 632 9155 IREBIRD 1979 301 automatic power brakes steering air plus medium blue special striping trunk rack i excellent condition 15000 mites $5400 631 0872 ORD Ranchero 1974 excellent condi lion 631 5494 ORDS large selection of economy cars West Herr ord 649 5640 ORD 1969 Torino 351 excellent run ner $25 633 6244 Autos or Sale Autos or Sale ORD 1973 Maverick 6 automatic A LINCOLN wT Williamsburg fuii? I $495 885 2564 equipped $7000 69 P5347 MALIBU 1973 52K excellent engine new brakes AM cassette $700 z70 I TH II 689 6923 7 I I LJ II MARK 1977 $4800 Call John Depew A nOOD Auto Lease 633 8500 4 DOOR MARK W8 Cal John A Auto Lease 633 8500 rULILr" AIxS MAVERICK 1974 automate: transmis I VLIVL vrlj 6 rylmder snow tires new MANY TO CHOOSE ROM shocks btlerv SBOO 837 4598 MAVERICK 1974 automatic power atl equipped with air steering excellent condition no rust conditioning and power win r'Jfn t00 beautiful 45000 miles dows 351 (2 V) engines perfect 20 25 mpg $1275 825 1026 ly maintained! MAVERICK 1974 $400 fate condition 74 1504 eves JSj7J MAVERICK 1974 6 cylinder automatic4 door excellent condition tow miles INSPECTED $1450 689 6454 A MAVERICK 74's '74 Mustang perfect A Al If 1 AAMTADC Wach 1 23000 Ghia 27000VlUviX Vlv I miles Henry Joseph 896 7 553 Camnhall AAillorcnnrl MERCEDES 1972 280SEL 45 loaded' UampDeil AAllierSpOri excellent condition 29000 miles 836 688 5464 ORD 1973 Torino excellent transporta 78 MERCURY tion clean Call Tracey 873 4668 MONARCH ORD 1975 LTD automatic excellent $895 885 2564 Yellow matching interior 6 11 i 1 cylinder automatic power steer i i bmxmmx tng stereo cassette only 19000 MIDWAY ORD SAVE DOES IT AGAIN! iAri CTOrktC BRAND NEW 1 06hic 5110 Camp Rd Hamburg I 70U Thruway Exit 57 649 4343 Scratch Dent Sals MERCURY Capri 1973 low mileage full price as indicated good condition great on gas $750 or ion 4 tnonn trddg or larger car 877 1294 80 Pinto $2290 MERCURY Caort automatic sun '80 Pinto 2 dr $3320 157l 6168 ftA i a MERCURY 1972 excellent condition '80 Pinto 2 dr $3460 air ma some with automatic radios MERCURY 1973 small 8 engine $500 822 3958 'MIDWAY ORD 01 1501 KENSINGTON (34600 MERCURY 1974 Monfeao 7 ooor hard tzXorv iax 7X7XZ 57131 8 automatic power sieer ORD 1977 Pinto wagon $2500 691 in0 Broecker Motors 1917 Genesee St 897 1797 (X2 78 U200 MERCURY 1974 Montego MX 35000oesi oner 666 6V5I m)les wwef brakes and steering mus iell 8' 79 GRANADAS MERCURY 1974 Montego MX lonoa lj xi" car excellent full power AY M'J iLnUILC Ur 4) Stereo $950 875 4816 A aitlAmafirc MONARCH 1977 2 door vinyl top dUTOmaTICS power steering power brakes low power steering nileaae 6 cylinder 837 6087 a MONTE CARLO 1970 good running Vinyl rOOfS condition $200 offer 835 0941 MONTE CARLO 1970 power steering many other extras! I power disc brakes AM stereo interior good condition rebuilt 8 2 YOUR CHOICE barrel! Bodv is good shape for 1970 $750 or make offer Must se $4695 I MONTE CARLO 1973 vinyl roof air? good condition $9S0 689 8948 CiKlIAl MONTE CARLO 1974 $975 884 3709 VZ I I A MONTE CARLO 1975 ar AMM CflDD IM stereo good condition low miieager L) I $2500 or best offer 893 0784 after 6 100 Niagara St Tona monte carlo 1977 sharp 34000 QAAA miles asking $2975 875 7716 0'4 oUUU MONZA 1975 Town Couoe 55000 miles GRANADA 1975 4 door trQM red red vinyl roof 8 automatic power steer MUSTANG II 1974 4 speed 4 cylinder ing power brakes factory air condi AM radio tinted windows digital tiomng exceptional I owner only 25 clock rear defogger radial fires 000 mites Stock No 13 81 5 $3295 excellent gas mileage excellent coodi Muck Motors Campbell Blvd at Mil fton $1800 886 3540 before 3 tersporl Hwy 688 5464 MUSTANG 1973 automatic 70000 GRANADA 196 Ghia automatic miles best offer 824 6841 power steering power brakes radio MUSTANG 1973 Grande power steer only 36000 mites vinyl roof body mg brakes AMM mint condition1 molding radial tires NYS inspected 53000 mtes Must sell $2400 or best extra clean $2670 Rav Laks Buick 0Her 834 4258 26 MUSTANG 1978 standard 15000 GRANADA 1976 $2200 633 2646 688 excellent condition $3500 937 7868 2311 626 3 I Asx for Milhe 77777VT777 777 MUSTANG 199 4 cvtmoer automatic GRANADA 1976 4 door 22000 original power steering only 9000 hnitesT mites 6 cylinder automatic power Bucket seals console digilal time steering NYS inspected mmt condi computer showroom condition Key hon' Sale priced to sell fast Deiacv $er Cadillac 4130 Sheridan Dr 634 ord 5229 Broadway Lancaster 4100 M1 12IY) 7 7 1 MUSTANG 1979 4 speed 4 cylinder GRANADA 1979 6 cylinder 4 door excellent gas mileage 895 6713 automatic power steering low mile 7 age must be seen to appreciate 884 NVA J973 SS automatic bucket aoy) flc seats AM 8 track sacrifice $1300 or 6680 GRANO PRIX 1972 excellent running condition Wack on Wack console N0v4 cylmoer outomahc ar AM 8 Irack no reasonable rusl Souwr" offer refused 694 9791 cars 64 7800 GRAND PRIX silver loaded NOtYjti Cvlinder' reoular leather buckets spoke wbeefs good 07 mileage some work needed $2850 NOVA 1974 6 standard 53000 miles' Call after 6 883 1466 $1390 834 19S1 GRAND RRIX 1978 LJ air stereo NOVA 1975 6 cylinder 2 door good tape wtee wheel discs power win condition 284 7372 after 5 285 1055 nows speed control 28000 one N0VA W6 cyhmJer autOmalic' owner ms the mcest in lown si 500 M8 7574 after 6 Cutrona Qualtiy Cars 6878 Transit tt 633 9191 NOVA 1976 6 cylinder automatic 2 Air door excellent condition B24 8709 GRAND TORINO 1972 sports car afjer power steering brakes air AM cassette deck snow tires very good condition $950 9 5 PM 636 5339 70 GTO 1967 $1400 or best offer 684 8324 after 6 pm IMPALA 1975 wtoan autnmahr TT 98 Luxury 2 door automatic baraain S12M power steering power brakes1 875 MK power windows air conditioning LINCOLN 1973 Continental good condi AM stereo cruise control tion lols of new parts 70000 miles 6040 power seal vinyl roof gor $575 or best offer 631 9626 geous silver with red interior LINCOLN 1975 Mark IV white sun roof lipstick interior Michelin radial A( A IKIQ tires excellent condition best offer AA I 1 1 838 4437 after 7 PM CHEVROLET LINCOLN 1977 Continental Town Car 5533 CAMP RD HAMBURG well equipped tow mileage 895 1478 648 4100 LINCOLN 1978 Mark while wilh 1 green too all power excellent condi OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1970 above tion 23500 miles $7400 681 1924 or average condition new tires align 1 685 1399 rnenl and more $600 822 8687 LINCOLN 1978 Town Sedan 19000 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme 1976 mites $5900 Cali John Depew Auto 50000 miles excellent condition Lease 633 8500 683 6331 after 6 wtj Wo ve Got em! THE HOTTEST SELLING MID SIZE CAR in USA NEW 1980 CUTLASSES 1 35 to choose from Supreme A Brauijharr coupes LS Beouahcim 4 door Calais and Station wagon 6't will out oir condi tioning in a rainbow of kolor TOP DOLIW for TRADE INS Up To 48 Month financing TUNMORE OLDSMOBILE 2677 DELAWARE 8774500.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.