The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)

mhU TJUB (iNb.) TRIBUNE, DEC. 17, 1947. TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS iacs txva didates at a meeting at the Wind: fall Masonic temple Thursday night. All members and their, families are welcome to attend the annual. Christmas party, to STORM' SASH We- have quite a lot of sizes in stock Captain Paul Circle Has Holiday Party Captain Paul Circle Ladies of the Grand Army met in the Grand Army hall of the court- arian at Goldsmith, having man of the program committee, practiced here fdr a number of Serving on the committee will years.

They -will reside in the bp Hubert Etchison, Mrs. Encil grooms property 'in' the east McCarty and Virgil Pick-part of Goldsmith. Hosts and hostesses nam- ed for the next meeting were Mr, VII'DFAI I and Carl Trimble, Mr. and! dition Sunday If lltlrMLL Mrs. Sterritt Nash, Mrs.

Hester Mrs. Morrison also visited (Miss Marie Parrish) Heath and Mrs. Veria Brenton. Mrs. Henry Zehner, who 'was 1 Refreshments were served reported to be 'in satisfactory A.

SPEAKER during the social hour in the condition following surgery last Vernon Burkhart of Tipton cafeteria which was Ndecorated Tuesday. was guest speaker at the regu- with Christmas bells, ever-lar December meeting of the greens and Parent-Teacehrs 1 association of Hosts and hostesses were Mr. Wildcat township at the Wind- and Mrs. Leo Clouser, Mrs. fall high school.

Louis 'Riffe, Carl Scudder, Har- -Mrt Burkharts topic was old Pritchard, Mrs. Hilda Smith World Understanding. and Mr, and Mrs. Jack, Nelson. Mercy hospital, Elwood, Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Downs, who underwent a major operation Friday, was ill Saturday from a heart condition but was in satisfactory con- DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morrison of Tipton were dinner guests Sunday at the home of the for mers parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Pearl Morrison, and daughter, VISIT AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Pearl Morrison and Dale Downs of Windfall visited her Alice, at Windfall. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith and daughter, Maxine, and son, Jimmy, were dinner guests Sunday of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Robert Griffin, and -Johnnie, -near Greentown.

sokotert' lIhTentertkffi at dinner Sunday at their home in Windfall Mr, and Mrs. Dan Summers, near Tipton, Mr. and i Mrs. Tommie Dean of Muncie and Mrs. fall.

AUie Deahof Wind- VISIT RELATIVES 'Me- and Mrs. Bruce; Mitchell and daughter, Carolyn Sue, of Windfak were guests Sunday of Mr. Mitchells, sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Basil HaU, and family at North" Manchester! O.

E. INITIATE The "Windfall chapter of, the Order of Eastern Star will confer initiatory work on six. can- CUSTOM BUTCHERING $1.50 per 10Q lbs. WOODY HUFFED IIILLISBURG 4 i -Ffiene i Scircleville MOTHER, SON HOME Lassiter' and son," Rickard "Allen, were removed to -their home at Windfall Saturday evening from the Mercy hospital, Elwood." -I GRANDPARENTS John' Rogers' was" the guest Monday of her grandparents, Mr. and MrsE.

Sagar-, see, and son at vu PERSONALS Mrs. W. Kleyla and Mrs. Ruby Cyphers of Windfall were Elwood visitors Saturday night." Mrs. Bruce Mitchell and daughter Carolyn Sue of Windfall were Kokomo visitors Saturday.

r' -w Mr. and Mrs- Culver Prcesang entertained at their home at Windfall Sunday -Mr. and George Butner. of Indianapolis. Mrs.

Miller of near Elwood was the guest Saturday at the Prcesang home. Christmas Gift Suggestion Toy Tractors Fog Lights Spot Lights Hyrdaulic Seats-Freezer Chests NEWSOM SUPPLY i COMPANY prices for all small animals de-! John 'Deere c-tf FOR SALE Canary singers. 421 Green St. Phone 1276. c-66 FOR SALE .22 cal.

IL.and R. revolver, nine shot. 703 Independence St. p-64 FOR SALE Combination cook stove. 'Burns wood or and bottle gas.

In good condition. Mrs. Ray Nah, p-65 WANTED WANTED Upholstering. Carl Miller, 731 North Independence. Phone 628.

c-tf WANTED, Dry- cleaning. 3-day service. Free pick UP and delivery. Phone 131. Royal Garment Cleaners, 209 S.

West street. ctf WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room house with bath. Will buy on right sort of a deal. Write Box 11, care of Trib- une. P-tl WANTED Dry cleaning.

Fox Cleaners, 439 E. Jefferson. WANTED General hauling. Will haul anything. Warren West, 203 W.

Jefferson. Ph. 785. c-tf WANTED Riders to Delco Radio, Kokomo. 7 to 4.

Ph. Aroma 2205. p-65 WANTED Carpenter work, building and remodeling. Grade A Dairy barns, basem*nt digging under houses, and cement work of all kinds. Write Bob Wilson, 1157 Division Noblesville, Ind.

c-tf WANTED Work as fireman or porter by elderly man. Phone 1101. p-64 WANTED Riders to Remeys 5 to 1:30. Phone 1414. c-67 HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman our established route.

No investment necessary. Profits $50 to $75 weekly to start. Car necessary. in care' of Tribune. p-64 WANTED Five men to train as drill press operators, Tur-- ret Lathe operators, Automate' 'I Screw, machine operators, one" tool maker.

Biddle Screw Products. Sheridan, Indiana. Please contact Charles Dolan at 402 Columbia Ave. Tipton, Indiana after 6:30 p. m.

c-64 FOR RENT FOR RENT Room. Main. Phone 219. 304 So, c-tf FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment. Utilities furnished.

312 W. Madison. c-tf MODERN ROOMS by day or week; reasonable rites. Miller Hotel, Tribune Building, E. Jefferson street.

tf FOR SALE Bolts Store. check with us on your needed sizes and maybe we can take care of your needs. yTpton Lumber Co. Phone 72. c-75 NEW STARR, Gulbransem Had- dorff and Hardman-Perk pianos; we also are dealers for electric organs and sewing machines.

Ramseyer, 611 W. Taylor, Kokomo. Open to 9' p. m. c-tf DRY CLEANING; Quality work at regular prices; 4-day service; 2-hour emergency service.

Burkhart c-tf WE HAVE POPCORN and hot- roasted peanuts (in the cradle) i Take some home for the family Open til mid night. Central CigarStore c-tf PLUMBING and furnace work, night and day service, 2Q minute emergency service. Work guaranteed. No job to small or large. Home plumbing Service.

Phone 3737. ctf FURNACE repair and cleaning. Work guaranteed. Phone 3737 ctf LOST AND POUND LOST Zipper billfold containing $60, operators license and valuable papers. $5 Return to South Side Grocery.

Domer Lee Balkley. Tipton R. 2. p-67 LOST Narrow gold braclet with Delta l3elta Delta emblem uptown Monday Reward. Jane Stratman.

Phone 1301. Auxiliary Has Christmas Party American Legion. Auxiliary mat in the, home of Mrs'. Malcolm Porter; 229 South Main street, Tuesday night for its Christmas meeting. A gift exchange was held and the group sang Christmas carols and played Lingo.

Prizes were awarded Miss Helen Mullins, Mrs. Jean Smith, Mrs. Robert Norris, Mrs. Howard Richardson, Mrs. Hillard Losey, Mrs.

Paul Graham, Mrs; Goldie Elston ''-ahct 'Mrs: Omer The hostess was assisted Mrs. Charles Mullins, Mrs. James Booher and Mrs. Garrett Jackson. The next meeting is planned in the G.

A. R. room of the courthouse. CLUB SCHEDULES DINNER The Hi-Neighbor club has scheduled a Christmas dinner Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alta Devan with Mrs.

Ford Bess as co-hostess. Dinner is planned at 12 noon and a gift exchange and installation of officers are scheduled. house for its Christmas meeting. Initiation ceremonies were conducted for Miss Ruth Smith and seventeen members participated in a gift exchange. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs.

Sarah Salters, president. No meetings are planned for' three weeks. GOLDSMITH (Mrs. Velva Green)' PARENTS OF SON Mr. 'and Mrs.

Oscar Cloud of Tetersburg have received the announcement of the birth of a son'born -Friday to xMr. and Mrs. Oliver Wayne Cloud at the Wbsh hospital. first child in the home, he weighed six and one half pounds, and has been named, Dennis Eugene, The mother was formerly. Miss Jean Herse of Bath, England.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cloud are the paternal grandparents. Mr, and, Mrs. Ben C.

Cook of Elkhart were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson and family, near "Goldsmith. i HUGHES-FREE Mrs. Florence Free of Goldsmith Was 'united in marriage to Dr.

W. L. Hughes of Goldsmith recently at the Christian parsonage Tipton. Rev. Robert W.

Morris performed the ceremony. They were accompanied by Joan Free, daughter of- the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes of Crawfords-ville, brother of the groom. The bride is a beautician and for some time- operated her own shop on Mill street in Tipton.

She moved to Goldsmith recently. The groom is a veten- CARD OFv THANKS to thahk'll of my friends and neighbors who sent cards and flowers during recent illness. i MRS FORREST COPPOCK CARD OF THANKS wish to thank my friends and relatives for the cards sent to me during my recent illness. MRS. C.

E. FITCH DEER! I i Toy Wagons Toy Tractors i Tipton Tractor Implement Co; 125-127. S. West -St Tipton, Indiana "The John Deere Store I He pointed out the fact that nations from a necessity must realize that 'there is but one world and discussed the Jewish- Kelsey, of Hemlock, sang Arabic situation in Palestine. A Christmas pantomine, Winter Wonderland, was presented by students of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades under the supervision of Mrs.

Dudley Lacey. The Misses' Janet -and' Evelyn The Old Lamplighter and Silent Night, Holy Night, They were accompanied by their Tilrs. Montell Kelsey, at the piano. Devotions were conducted by Rev. Marshall 'Telle, pastor of the Hazel 'Dell Friends church.

A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Howard Heath. John Shockney, -r study group chairman, gave a report followed by the secretary-treasurers report read by. Mrs, Harold Johnson. Mrs. Glen Barker was program chairman.

Leo J. Baker, principal in the Windfall school, discussed the personnel shortage in the- education field and illustrated by drawing a diagram from the bureau of vital A preview of the' January meeting was given by Mrs. Mark Patterson, who announced Mrs. Harold Pritchard as chair- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice! is hereby giyeji the taxpayers of jMadnsafe Tawnipi Tipton ofi regular on the 29th day of December 1947, will consider the following additional appropriations which said officers consider necessary to meet the extraordinary emergency existing at this time. Township fund 06 Special school 292.05 4 I $284.11 This appropriation is asked to eliminate from my records, a balance of $584.11, which represents a loss sus-'tained by our township because of 'the closing of the Farmers State- Bank Tat Indiana.

t-'v Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon. The -additional appropriation as finally made will be automatically referred to- the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which board will hold a further hearing within fifteen days at the County Auditors office of Tipton County, Indiana, or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearing, taxpayers objecting to any of such additional appropriations may be heard and interested taxpayers- fnay inquire of the County Auditor wh-n and wtaeru such bearing will be held. MAX HASKETT, 64-70 Trustee, Drv W. Veterinarian LIVESTOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Goldamith Phone 640 Mrs.

Dale Downs, at By International News Service Notice to Heirs.Creditors, 'Etc. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Henry Ballman, Deceased. Curt Septera' Notice is hereby given that John viuam Hen ry Hallman, deceased.has presented and filed his account and In Annl I Am av rv this 1st day of December, 1 Q17 VOU' esta up for examination and action of said Circuit Court on the 5th day of January, 1948, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required, te appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why-said account and vouchers should not be approved. WITNESS, The Clerk and Seal of said Tipton Circuit Court, at Tipton, diers in final settlement of said, ile. and that the same will come 1947.

62-58-64 RALPH E. WATSON, Clerk Tipton Circuit Court. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of Bessie Morar-ity, deceased, will sell at private, sale to the highest and- best bidder, on Wednesday, December 17th, 1947, at 2:00 p. at the Law Office of- S.

A. Culver, at 117 Court street, Tipton, Indiana, the following described Teal estate, to-wit: Lot number 162 In W. kers Second Addition to the City of Tipton, Tipton County, Indiana. at not less than the. appraised vSlue ($800.00, and for cash.

An abstract of title -will be furnished purchaser, CLAUDE TOLLE, C-61-62-63 Guardian. 1 Ususally Prove More Than Satisfactory to Our Customers Because We are Very Conservative In Our Claims 1 Why Not Order Now for Spring -o- V. TIPTON HATCHERY R. D. GIRARD, Prop, East Side Square PHONE 51' 1 or 13 or 2379 lr- $2 to $5 Raid for Dead Horses Cattle A.K A a HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Semi-modern on Adams St, fi Immediate possession.

W. Kemp. Phone 26.J P6 TOE BALE FOR SALE Ladies black Chesterfield, like new, large size. Phone 231, 116 born. I c-64 FOR SALE I Windshield defrosters.

2 types. H. Levi Co. North end, of Conde St. c-64 FOR SAL 54 wood lathe, complete with table and motof.

Call at 121 Sec. St. after 4:30 p. m. P-65 FOR SALE Nubian Hot Blast stove.

Good bowl and grates. Cheap. 122 Ky. Ave. p-67 FOR SALE! Childs metal airplane, Rubber tires.

Practically new. Phone 4137. 1 P-65 FOR SALE) Twin bedroom suite, complete; white enam eled kitch en heater. .420 N. Independence.

p-65 FOR SALE good con Third St. p. m. 1936 Chevrolet, dition. $300.

136 from 7 a. m. to 3 p-64 FOR SALE 4 Good milch cow. real butcher calf. Phone 31x1.

Parke W. Hoover. c-64 FOR SALE Boys bicycle. 328 N. Independence.

Phone 1538. c-64 FOR SALE Ferguson System tractor tools. Davis Skyline wagons and grinders. Don Davis Farm Eq. Sales.

Atlanta. c-tf FOR SALE Firewood. Phone 38x2. Elbert Jones selling wood for R.sD. Smith.

c-tf FOR SALE up. 409 34 Chev. pick-Phone 1154. c-tf FOR SALE? Favorite base burner. 16 inch; 'Excellent condition, 2736 EV Main.

El-wood. p-64 FOR SALE Good used stoves L. Cast smith. Phone 64-RJGold- JA y. FOR SALE 1 Runners for John Deere 99 Planters.

John Deere Store. tf FOR SALE! Your moneys worth when you buy our electrical appliances Norge; Majestic; Kirby; Arvin; etc. Christmas Layaways. Russell Electric Service. c-tf TOR SALE i Turkeys, alive or dressed, prder before 19th.

Mrs. Earl Hodson. Phone Kempton 1404. p-64 POR 'SALE One two-row New Idea Corn picker. Excellent condition.

Robert G. Dean, 1340 SorB Elwood. c-66 QUICK Sales Special, 42 Special DeLuxe Plymouth. $950. See at Oren Gibbens Mobilgas Station.

Must be sold by Wednesday. c-64 SALEL-Young rabbits for butchering. North, of Pioneer. I P-m-w-f-66 Complete Farm and I City Property Service list YOUR PROPERTY 2FpRJ5jALE.WITn US' Small -double, North Independence street. 160-acre'kirm, well improved.

Possession at once. Good seiniimodfrn, all fur nished or unfurnished. Possession at once. Building lots- a plenty. 3 good semi-moderns.

Good semi-modern on Maple. street, Lw.Wr DULLER REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 1 E. Asst. Mgr. 136 South Main Tipton Phone v-4 We also pay highest cash pending midsize and condition, Ctf KOKOMO -t 4760 Reverse Charges.


m. today in cents per pound on hoof. First the Methodist hospital, Indiana-house south of Chas.j polls. Carlisle. Ph.

Sheridan 16F21.) She entered the hospital last P-88 Wednesday and was given a -1 1 1 i blood transfusion Tuesday. Her BUY your Christmas apples. room is A-471. Mrs. Hazel Mar-Smiths Orchard.

1 mile 127 y2 North Cofide street, Vi, east of Sharpsville. p-70 is a sister of Mrs. Griffith. PUREtO-FLAME BOTTLED GAS SERVICE Any MinHte of Any Day (Installations Made Immediately) Phones 652 1 CrJy Heater of Its Kind la ths Wctid Stzrt a Fire Hot Ones a Yeat My, Mora He Mllllau Now la Vsol VEUnVEITI Made! 420. REGULAR FCICE $119.95 Model 520 REGULAR PRICE $59.95 Model 616 REGULAR PRICE $49.95 saassstmmt: Highest Cash Prices Paid.

For Dead Animals C3ll JOHN WACHTEL CORP. Tipton Phone 94 Elwood Phone 72 WE PAY ALL PHONE CHARGES 4 X5M ffimGcfc Special ri i PrerXnrtas 4 I i morning. COAL HEATERS; Save Up to. Sale Price $99.95 Sale I Sale Price $41.59 UL ELECTRICAL REPAIRS, Irons, lamps, motors, sweepers, washing machines, etc. Russells Electric Service, 137 N.

Main, phone 799. c-tf NO.TICE We have a good of hardwood flooring in Why not buy those new floors youve been wanting? Tipton Lbr. Co. Phone 72. c-66 GOV.

SURPLUS BLDGS. Yellow pine, 16x48, double floors, insulated roofs, rafters 2 ft. center, $399 FOB camp. Doetsch Bros. Lbr.

Co. 4133 New Haven Ft. Wyane. Phone E-1068. Open Sun.

12-4 p-67 CESSPOOLS, septic tanks; toilet vaults, vacuum cleaned; basem*nts drained, sewer lines cleaned with electric cutting machine; no digging necessary. State Sewer Cleaners. Write Postoffice Box 32, Tipton. Phone 10. Bakers Corner.

c-tf in CLOSING OUT SALE 1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th AT 12:30 P. M. As I am leaving the farm, I will sell at public auction located 2 miles west, then mile north of Windfall or 3 miles east, then 7 Vi miles soqth of Kokomo j. CATTLE- 1 One Holstein cow, 4 years old, to freshen Dec. 18, a 6-gallon cow; 1 Guernsey, 4 years old, to freshen by sale day; 1 black Jersey, 6 years old, to freshen Feb.

1 black heifer to freshen Jan. 1 Guernsey heifer, 10 months old; 1 red Shorthorn, 15 months old; 2 heifers, coming yearlings. 1 HOGS Two Spotted Poland sows, with their third litters; 1 Spotted Poland sow withj6 pigs at side; 1 Hamp sow, coming with third litter; 17 fall shoats; 1 Spotted Poland boar, coming 2 years old. 1 GRAIN 400 bushels of yellow corn in crib, more or less. POULTRY Fifty White Rock pullets beginning to lay MACHINERY 1945 Model V.A.C.

Case tractor, starter and lights, power lift and power takeoff; 1 set two-row Case cultivators; 1 I.H.C. 16-inch Little Genius breaking plow; 1 com planter; 1 I.H.C. mower; 1 steel wheel farm wagon; I one-row cultivator; 1 Fergqson -ed grinder; com sheller; Clean Easy double unit milking machine; single shovel ploip; garden plow. MISCELLANEOUS 350 tomato hampers; 2 hay forks; 3 pitch forks; 1 scythe; several 5-gallon fuel cans; glass jars; 1 set quilting frames; 3 rolls red picket fence and many other articles. ORVILLE VALTMAN, Ovner CACU Not Responsible in Case cl Aceiirnt EDDIE NASII AND O.

D. SWINFORD, Auctioneers. VEKL MYERS, Clerk SAVE DY ORDERING Need We repair and clean all makes of furnaces. Best Furnace trained workmen. AU costs based, on Repairs? actual materials used and labor.

Phone us now. it A CctElpts Lina of Uniform. Feeds, Including fcidtrY T'liita a YOU Ar.E SHORT COr.N, WE HAVC- COMPLETc CC3, tOC5 AND DAIRY FEEDS rzm (jjlIUM "Perfect sub-zero "Th 'Williamson Hotter Compmny The past winters Jim beem most enjoyable Because we have hed the benefits item heattaa our home wjth a WilUamsaa Tprfc f'Urnece. Our rooms were evenly heated alt Wimtet, although we Bred but twice daily. Our bouse wes comfortable in every corner even during sub-seta weather, and the tuel bill has been less.

Signed -Kenneth In Virtue. Min Ksittly it CLINES FUENACE 6 BUZZ? tlZZZU Atlxxtz, Iri. rite 111 Flex-P-Glass and Glass Substitute I Uss for Storm Windows and Storm Doors p. co. mu i vr- i rrrn i 1 1 Furnaces Cleared t5 Up i.

The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.